CD & DVD Buying Blank Disks

Which do you consider when buying blank DVD's

  • The disk manufacturer.

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • The brand of the disk.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


VIP Member
VIP Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
Weston Village
After several years (around 19) of burning disks I have come to the conclusion that no matter which brand of disk I buy it's the manufacturer that makes the difference.

I don't know how many disks I have burned (as most of them were for sale), but I have just disposed of over 3500 written DVD's (with films on), 2500 written DVD's (with MP3's & AVI's on) and over 6500 CD's full of MP3's.

So as you can guess there were various brands and dye's.

After testing quite a lot of disks I found that anything written on a disk with the Taiyo Youden dye (used by Verbatim a long time ago) stood the test of time, cd's written in the 90's were still readable and 10 year old DVD's still played, but other types were not.

Ritek were the next best with some disks being ok after 6 or 7 years, but dye's made by CMC, Prodisk plus a few others are crap. I had some Verbatim (CMC) disks that would not read after just 2 years.

The worst disks I ever used were Ridisc 80min CDR (back when 80min disks had just come out). They effectively wiped themselves after just 3 days, SVP kindly replaced them.

So what do you go for when buying disks brand or manufacturer?

More info and quality review from this site | Blank DVD Media Quality Guide
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You should prob add price to that m8, plenty of cheapskates umong us! LOL
You should prob add price to that m8, plenty of cheapskates umong us! LOL

Have to agree with you m8, it all depends on the price but the manufacturer is also important, would rather buy 50 disks for double the price that work instead of having 100 disks where only a handful work.

I usually check what disks I've got and reviews on websites etc before buying
usually the brand... but it does depend on the price and also the needs.. would also read the reviews and take into account what people have said.
brand means nothing usually... only when its real "no name brands" where somtimes the manufacture details (dye info) cant really be tested by because sometimes they fake the dye info to make you think its a better disc..