Best Fights Infection


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Jul 5, 2001
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Football legend George Best is still in intensive care after developing a severe infection.

Former Manchester United team-mate Denis Law said he was "not looking good" after visiting him at the Cromwell Hospital in West London.

He said: "I wasn't able to talk to him. He was more or less unconscious. When I was down here a few weeks ago, I really thought at that time that I would not be seeing him.

"Then I thought he was on the mend. He was improving but had a relapse and that is why I came down here."

Law was one of many visitors to the hospital, with Best's son Calum and other members of the family heading to London.

Best's doctor, Professor Roger Williams, said the 59-year-old has suffered a "big setback" in his battle to recover from illness.

The ex-footballer was admitted to the hospital with an infection last month but, until recently, his condition had been improving.

Professor Williams said Best had developed a "new and severe infection" and had taken a turn for the worse.

Best's infection was causing problems "with kidneys and everything else again" and was a big setback after some steady progress after the last two weeks, he added.

The former footballer's problems are related to a liver transplant he had three years ago following a lifetime of heavy drinking.