Best Cheap Sat Nav ?


Inactive User
Dec 29, 2006
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Which is the best Sat Nav. Also do you use Post Code for directions - or are there alternatives ?
Depends on your budget m8 but this doesn,t look too bad

Some good low price stuff around now..

I'd recommend something Windows mobile compatiable so you can easily update or change the software. I have been happy with my Mio 168 which are now cheap as chips.

This looks a good deal for £109...

Have a search for 'Acer n35 GPS handheld Pocket Chauffeur' and you will find what looks to be a good deal.
to be honest id go for a garmin.
you can get the speed camera pois and it seems a very nice unit
comet at one point were doing the i3 at £99
and i think the carphonewarehouse had them for that price too :)

well worth a look :)

ive heard of a new aa one about £150

thats meant to be good
hiya mate .. i would buy the tomtom as it has never got me lost .lol. not a bad price at comet 160 quid and you can get all the speed cameras put on it . also never leave the stand in your window !!
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