Xp Video card problem



Wonder if anybody can help me.

I have installed Windows Xp Pro and also Office Xp.

Everything works perfect except my video card.

I have a Nvidia TNT2 64 card and got the XP drivers from the Nvidia website.

The problem I have is that the pc appears to run fine with the card in until u open a text document, Excel, Word etc. When moving the cursor to the type area the mouse goes jer** and the cursor moves very slowly across the area of the page. When the mouse is on the top menu in Word etc it moves fine but not in the document area.

Ay ideas I am lost, tryed uninstalling office and card etc but no better. Presently using my on board card which workd fine but only has 4mb which aint enuf.

Any help would be appreciated.
try a different version of direct-x to the one you are using <br />ive got the same card an mines ok ive also got the plus pack installed
If you cant get your card working right on the XP drivers you can also try Win 2000 drivers m8 <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
Tried both of those without any difference.

My card is a PCI card as I dont have an AGP slot, my pc (Compaq) has an onboard 4mb AGP.

I wonder if this has anything to do with it.

Thinking of going back to Windows98.

Also I am not sure if the AGP onboard card is disabled, even tho windows says it is. Think this may be my problem that two video drivers are being driven at same time.
my pc is a compaq exd with built in graphics ..and i have the tnt card in a slot as yours is and i have no probs with it at all..<br />i am a compaq engineer and know for a fact that the drivers are on their web site so if you let me know what your system is i will look for a solution for you ...if possible give me the model type from the tag with the serial number on it
there r alot of drivers for the card u r using bit every body i talk to on this problem uses a set of drivers called detenator as these seem to work well try searching the games sites 4 them