WTB Clone Solo 2


Inactive User
Dec 6, 2011
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Im looking to buy a another Solo2 but strugling to find a Sunray or Lonrison version
All i can find is a Solo 2 SE on mixe

The solo2 SE seems to have the same spec but doesnt have the nice display like the solo2 just some annoyingly looking blue light

Also unsure what images it supports (does it support the ones on this site for lonrison v4?)
Does anyone have any advice on if this is a decent clone?
Can Sunray solo2 still be bought?

Im looking for dual tuner box with internal 2.5" SATA for around $150 inc delivery that can load an openvix image
The sunray factory are currently in a suspended state. Not entirely sure why but that's why you can't get any sunray clones.

If you get a Solo2 SE clone then this is (well was) just a Solo2 clone but re-badged.

I would check with supplier that it can take original Solo2 images and if it can then you're okay to use Sunray clone safe images (just in case).
Dont bother with clones waist of time and money

can you reccomend any original box with dual tuner box and internal SATA support for close to $150?

If money was no object id be sat with a duo2 but unfortunatly im not one of those people who dont have to worry about money so i have to set a budget
can you reccomend any original box with dual tuner box and internal SATA support for close to $150?

If money was no object id be sat with a duo2 but unfortunatly im not one of those people who dont have to worry about money so i have to set a budget

Gigablue HD Ultra twin tuner £168 or the Extrend ET8000 twin tuner at £159 Or my favourite the VU+ Solo SE V2 twin tuner £159