White collar boxing


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Feb 16, 2006
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I volunteered for a white collar boxing event in. January which culminates in an amateur 3 round bout at the end of April in front of nearly 1,000 people. The training has been brutal and the sparring very educating - you soon learn to keep your gloves up when you keep getting punched on the nose! Sadly I ruptured my Achilles' tendon just over a week ago and am now in plaster with crutches. I haven't given up on it just yet and provided I can get in the ring without crutches. I will be fighting, it is for charity after all and I have been sponsored nearly £1,000.

Anyone have any experience of recovery from this injury?


nice one @Trabbs good idea watch the southpar and big right pmsl :)
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l boxed for years its a great sport and u make great friends from it too , legs going to be a big problems thats where you punch from and get away from being knocked on your arse lol , rips are the worst to recover from , takes months
I have actually been scheduled to fight my godsons father and he has agreed to go easy on me if I can get in the ring. Toughest training I have ever done and was hoping to be at my fittest for the fight? without my legs I can feel my fitness draining away so I'm hoping when I get a boot I will be able to shadow box to try and get some aerobic capacity back. I do also need to be aware that if I rush this my Achilles will go again. If I need to sit it out I will do but not giving up on it just yet. I was eight weeks away from fight night when I injured it so it's going to be tight.
I ruptured mine a couple of years ago, 3 months in plaster 3 months physio plenty of excersize etc and it still isn;t right :( I get cramps in my calf which I now have varicose veins on and no muscle definition.

My choices back then were operation which would have saved me around 3 weeks in plaster but with the added bonus of possible infection or do it naturally with slight movement to stretch as it mends I went for the latter.

Good luck with trying to get in the ring at the end of April in all honesty mate I would say don't do it I am 100% sure your doc won't sign you off to do it and it aint worth damaging it again charity or no charity your the one that will suffer for the rest of your life.
I ruptured mine a couple of years ago, 3 months in plaster 3 months physio plenty of excersize etc and it still isn;t right :( I get cramps in my calf which I now have varicose veins on and no muscle definition.

My choices back then were operation which would have saved me around 3 weeks in plaster but with the added bonus of possible infection or do it naturally with slight movement to stretch as it mends I went for the latter.

Good luck with trying to get in the ring at the end of April in all honesty mate I would say don't do it I am 100% sure your doc won't sign you off to do it and it aint worth damaging it again charity or no charity your the one that will suffer for the rest of your life.
I think I am just starting to realise that. I fell down the stairs backwards tonight so that won't have helped. Put my bad foot down to stop myself but of course it is in plaster so it just pushed me further off balance.
I have actually been scheduled to fight my godsons father and he has agreed to go easy on me if I can get in the ring. Toughest training I have ever done and was hoping to be at my fittest for the fight? without my legs I can feel my fitness draining away so I'm hoping when I get a boot I will be able to shadow box to try and get some aerobic capacity back. I do also need to be aware that if I rush this my Achilles will go again. If I need to sit it out I will do but not giving up on it just yet. I was eight weeks away from fight night when I injured it so it's going to be tight.

Good luck m8
I have actually been scheduled to fight my godsons father and he has agreed to go easy on me if I can get in the ring

You won't win with an attitude like that, your going to get in there and knock him out.
Hes already trash talking you by saying hes going to take it easy on you.

Not ideal fighting your someone your close with, but like you said once either of you get hit on the nose it will be full on. So get yours in first and punish him.

Good luck.
Sorry, to be a downer but being realistic you have no chance of making this fight, its going to take 3-4 months before you are able to move properly, unless you are going to stand and just trade punches.
Sorry, to be a downer but being realistic you have no chance of making this fight, its going to take 3-4 months before you are able to move properly, unless you are going to stand and just trade punches.
I understand that but I am going to see how I get on at the fracture clinic next week before making a final decision about whether to pull out or not. Power of positive thinking should never be underestimated although I don't want to rush my recovery and end up out of action even longer.
Even when the cast is off you have to learn to walk again... I remember when mine came off, I swung my legs around the side of the table jumped off and landed in a heap thinking wtf its still knackered... the nurse was pissing her self and said "you expected to just walk out of here all fine and dandy?" and walked off laughing!! lol funny when I think back.
so when the boot goes on the foot is presumably not in plaster any more?
I didn't get the boot on mate, I was a complete rupture and they said it would be of no use to come out of plaster and have the boot on. One thing I did buy though was some decent crutches! the NHS ones are rubbish and noisy. Oh and I also learnt a hard lesson that hopping a mile on crutches is a killer I literally fell through my front door when I got back and laid there for a good 10 mins while my heart slowed down haha
I fell down the stairs last night going up on the crutches carrying stuff. Lesson learned, it's a bum shuffle up the stairs from now on. They said last week that I would get a boot with wedges which I take out one a week and which would gradually stretch the rejoined Achilles.
Didn't realise it was that bad. I think you need to withdraw as early as possible so that you get it out of your head that you might still make it. That gives them time to find a replacement.

I am pretty sure if you let your sponsors know the situation and that they can still donate if they want to. I bet most still will.

You could be your ex opponents towel man on the night.
I got wedges made but they went inside my shoes, like I said I had plaster on for 3 months then wedge and physio.. worst thing I have ever done!! my mrs was a star took me to work every day which was a pain up 2 flights of stairs haha I got a good work out each day :D
Quick update. My aircast boot came off on the 22nd April and I was in the boxing ring for my bout on the 25th April. Let's just say I came 2nd but I got through the 3 rounds without getting knocked down. Overall we raised over £18,000 for charity. Leg is still sore and swells up every day but I'm about to have a week in the sun so that should sort it. if anyone fancies making a donation please PM me and I will send you a link for my JustGiving page which has photos from the training and the fight night.