Vinyl Tiles vs Laminate Flooring


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I'm looking at replacing the living room and hallway flooring, we've money spare from not going away and the old's floors knackered to say the least. Which would you say's is the best option ?, vinyl locking tiles or laminate flooring ?. At the moment we've laminate that's done 10+ years but it's got a few bubbles say were spills and light mopping has gone in it. I'm wondering if the vinyl's as tough as the laminate.
It's laid on asphalt so if vinyl would I need underlay of some sort ?.
Personally I'd just recommend relaying new laminate, if it's a room that's unlikely to get much water - it's cheap and effective and easy to stick down. But if you want actual waterproofing rather than just water resistance then go with vinyl tiles. For interlocking vinyl tiles you'll need an underlay, asphalt might damage the tiles. Hope that's helpful!