Sensible Topic Tracing Old Pension Schemes Question


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Aug 2, 2007
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So I got round to having a look into few long lost old dormant pension schemes. I managed to dig a few out from back in the late 80's right into my drugfest 90's when I moved jobs every few years or so. In doing I'm clueless as to what I paid into as I had was living the life with my parents so life was breeze. I recently found a couple of old pensions one which was worth 4k but there's one bugging me I can't get any truth out of the possible pension company fund holders or the company I worked for.
I checked the three pension companies listed against the firm I worked for on the .gov trace website. 2 pension firms I contacted have no holdings for the company or any trace of me but one pension firm did say on the phone that they do have a pension scheme for this cash n carry company I worked for (the firm is still trading) but they were not allowed to discuss it with me and I need to talk with the company directly.
I thought , fair enough so I emailed the company and they basically they replied and said, "There was no pension scheme in place, so we are unable to give you any information on this". I then wondered, would there not have been some government type workplace pension in place were companies had to pay into or something ?. it would have been around 1982-1985. It's not going to be life changing granted but even if its a 1 or 2 grand it would be nice. I did think of using a pension tracing company but for the amount it could possibly be (if there is any) I would probably end up with nothing once they take a cut.