tm800hd moans / randoms

Re: removing main board from tm800hd


Long time no news from down under wow

I understood from tm that dealer was fully refunded about £200 for sending and receiving tm800 +total cost of receiver, you did not lose any money tm lost because you could not wait
wait is the fuss now
tm said will refund and they honored their commitment to dealer and non of you lost any money
if you are happy with your new box than this section is only for tm800 owners

you do not own tm800 also you do not know full story
good idea will be not to judge
also this section is to help tm owners not repeating old boring story again,
I think for latest image and recent instruction how to do also few images coming out soon
thanks to the 02-02-11 latest solution only multimedia and hd skin left to be done
now 100 times more satiable then before also with new HD driver picture just unbelievable
best ever HD picture i have seen in my new LED TV from tm800
shame some ex owners can not enjoy the best of what tm 800 can offer now
at reduced price even better .
I waited and I really like it more then ever
Latest DW image even make it more exciting:Clap::Clap::Clap:

its none of your bussiness if i have it or not,i just replied to a dear m8s post.Whats your problem?
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

Guys theres a thread for moans please use that and keep these threads on topic.

Thank you.
Re: removing main board from tm800hd


You have an issue with tm
or just getting board repeating old boring repeats
if you want to moan leave this section alone
this section is only to help and advise tm800 owners

You are going off track
this section is to help members
I hope you understand this you were told many times..

Redding your old post full of hate and downing rubbishing .
you got what you want full refund for everything's inc,postage over £200 + full refund or your receiver all members know about you story ... .
why just leave this section and go to moaners section scream as much as you want.
write A full bible about it how bad it was...But is it bad now ?????
I am not a poor sod .opposite very happy user of tm 800
and do not like anyone like you could not even keep one a bit longer to see benefit of it
downing tm800 which I know for 100% working ok and i am happy as well as many members
if you want old story to be told for 100S of time .as you know they are all obsolete and too boring too old ..similar to a daily paper but over 6 month old..
if you want to have chat about your old time then send private post ,
public forum is to help not to go round and round repeat repeat :proud::proud:.
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

Fukc me! Not just a beta tester but a moderator on here as well now. You truly are an inspiration to us all

Not only do you wind people up by coming on here "boring old repeat" as you put it about how everything is 100%, you then go on to throw your weight about.

Oh and by the way your 2/2 image has just green screened when I tried to format the usb stick in the back port..... and before you say it, it's the stick I've always used
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

WTH guys? This post has blantantly been hijacked, OP only posted twice and since his last reply has any of the responses been about removing main board from the tm800hd?!

I think its time to close this thread and if you want to start a new one then go for it.
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

WTH guys? This post has blantantly been hijacked, OP only posted twice and since his last reply has any of the responses been about removing main board from the tm800hd?!

I think its time to close this thread and if you want to start a new one then go for it.

fdlsys was simply concluding the saga he was involved in several months ago on this thread the same day OP started it. Should he of started yet another thread then? Belmando replied to his friend about the similar situation he had.

My response to dr linux was to the disgusting hypocrasy on here where he riles people up and accuses them of repeating repeating repeating which is exactly what he does. I've said several times how my returned jtag is sluggish and unstable straight after a clean install WITHOUT any mods done to it but all he does is goes from post to post repeating the same things basically that there is nothing wrong with it because HIS suposedly works and we're all wrong as we don't follow his instructions. Well some of us have and it still doesn't work. With his again repeated claims which go back over 7 months with how fantastic 100% things are that he's tested and we're all talking sh!t. That's the instructions that are f'ing hard to comprehend in proper English, and tell us all to disable encryption on our soon to be unsecured wireless networks while we try to fudge their shoddy fixes.

Bottom line is there's a guy who works for/is Technomate pretending to be someone he isn't trying to damage limitate any post that critisises the box which still isn't the product it has and still is being sold as.

Why is it ok for him to carry on jumping on posts falsely reassuring the next poor sod that might stray in here thinking of buying one, but we can't?

Every time he posts these things it's a direct kick in the bolloxs to us that are still having problems. Yet he's openly allowed to continue this subterfuge whilst we get derided for it.
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

fdlsys was simply concluding the saga he was involved in several months ago on this thread the same day OP started it. Should he of started yet another thread then? Belmando replied to his friend about the similar situation he had.

My response to dr linux was to the disgusting hypocrasy on here where he riles people up and accuses them of repeating repeating repeating which is exactly what he does. I've said several times how my returned jtag is sluggish and unstable straight after a clean install WITHOUT any mods done to it but all he does is goes from post to post repeating the same things basically that there is nothing wrong with it because HIS suposedly works and we're all wrong as we don't follow his instructions. Well some of us have and it still doesn't work. With his again repeated claims which go back over 7 months with how fantastic 100% things are that he's tested and we're all talking sh!t. That's the instructions that are f'ing hard to comprehend in proper English, and tell us all to disable encryption on our soon to be unsecured wireless networks while we try to fudge their shoddy fixes.

Bottom line is there's a guy who works for/is Technomate pretending to be someone he isn't trying to damage limitate any post that critisises the box which still isn't the product it has and still is being sold as.

Why is it ok for him to carry on jumping on posts falsely reassuring the next poor sod that might stray in here thinking of buying one, but we can't?

Every time he posts these things it's a direct kick in the bolloxs to us that are still having problems. Yet he's openly allowed to continue this subterfuge whilst we get derided for it.

Really? Step away from the thread and you wont feel these repeated kicks. No longer posting in here as its all pointless. Have fun :Clap:
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

Really? Step away from the thread and you feel these repeated kicks. No longer posting in here as its all pointless. Have fun :Clap:

For someone who's moaned enough himself that's a strange u-turn

I think we are all a bit fed up to be honest and I dont blame you but if someone wants to moan like a bitch let em lol. I have my bad days too and even now my box is off and using my Humax Freesat until a new images comes along.

Still hoping this box gets turned around by end of this quarter

I've also had to put up with my box 3 months longer than you and also, for reasons I'm not willing to post openly on here, unlike you I'm not in a position to think about dump it and get a Vu+ Duo or upgrade to something else.
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

it is pointless carry on
total time wasting we are going off main points
we are hrer to help how to use tm800 instead WAR
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

I wouldn't personally accuse the whole forum of being 100% TM as all other products are supported and the rest of the forum is generally fine but for some reason this subforum doesn't seem to care about the underhanded tactics TM are using. Full of praise for a company with great customer support when actually they're just doing their job to limit their cock up. Also because others in the industry fook people about and dump boxes, this in someway excuses all of TM's wrong doings like it's some kind of industry standard
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

For someone who's moaned enough himself that's a strange u-turn

I've also had to put up with my box 3 months longer than you and also, for reasons I'm not willing to post openly on here, unlike you I'm not in a position to think about dump it and get a Vu+ Duo or upgrade to something else.

My only gripe its the same old story being dragged out and out an out for ever. Yes I have moaned and yes I will probably continue to do so but over the past few days there have been some big developments. I dont know who this dr linux is but if hes breaking the rules or whatever just hit the report button.

For the record I am not dumping my TM800HD becuase as a HD Sat receiver it is working very well. PVR aspect still needs work but not too fussed about that.

My point is this thread has gone off topic. Im not a mod, admin not apart of the any team or TM fanboy just a normal user who likes tweaking with stuff until its working right.
See i see it from a different angle too
We are supporting a brand new product from the start of it's life ?

Sent from my iPhone
Re: removing main board from tm800hd

Lol why? Is this some sort of criminal inquest? It makes no difference who got a box free or not. I suggest everyone worry about your own box and stop worrying about who got what and does what for what ever reason.

You want a stable box that works, use 14/02/2011 image, PVR function is tempermental but it still works and never gives me green screen.
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

Lol why? Is this some sort of criminal inquest? It makes no difference who got a box free or not. I suggest everyone worry about your own box and stop worrying about who got what and does what for what ever reason.

You want a stable box that works, use 14/02/2011 image, PVR function is tempermental but it still works and never gives me green screen.

Erm..actually it does might not have seen the thread...where TM mistekenly approached a mod here..(whom did NOT recieve a free box)...and threatened to invoice him for the box unless it was returned to them...because they percieved some negative comments/moans were made about the box..

So you now have a position where certain members may not be legitimate, they have been given free recievers by TM in return for only making positive comments....You also blatantly have TM related parties possibly employees...pumping pro-TM propoganda... You dont see this in any of the other forums here...

This means for all non-owners, potential buyers, etc...theyre getting a biased view of the reciever..

It's a certain member...starts to jump up and down..and soon as it's mentioned the reciever has a problem ridden past..which continues to date...
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Re: removing main board from tm800hd

You want a stable box that works, use 14/02/2011 image, PVR function is tempermental but it still works and never gives me green screen.

The latest offical image is 02/02/2011 and that's what TM are telling us to use as it works 100%