TM5402HD record question.

Bernie Power

Inactive User
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm wondering if anyone has discovered a feature. Back a year or two ago I used a Topfield DTT STB.
It has timeshift playback just like TM5402HD (with external USB HDD). Anyway with the Toppy one could then save as a recording all the programme that had already gone onto the drive if one decided to record it. This was very useful. I havent found this on the TM box yet. Have I missed some vital knowledge of hidden keystrokes. Or does it just not do it (yet).
Cheers Bernie
I'm wondering if anyone has discovered a feature. Back a year or two ago I used a Topfield DTT STB.
It has timeshift playback just like TM5402HD (with external USB HDD). Anyway with the Toppy one could then save as a recording all the programme that had already gone onto the drive if one decided to record it. This was very useful. I havent found this on the TM box yet. Have I missed some vital knowledge of hidden keystrokes. Or does it just not do it (yet).
Cheers Bernie

Very good question, would certainly be a handy function, esp when used to it with Sly+ etc. Might be an idea to introduce yourself on the "Who are you" thread ;-)
Yes, thanks for the who-you link. Duly done

I suspect phantopatch would have introduced this feature if it was a technical possibilty. Still, I hope the phantom strolls the alleys that are this forum.
Cheers Bernie
I'm wondering if anyone has discovered a feature. Back a year or two ago I used a Topfield DTT STB.
It has timeshift playback just like TM5402HD (with external USB HDD). Anyway with the Toppy one could then save as a recording all the programme that had already gone onto the drive if one decided to record it. This was very useful. I havent found this on the TM box yet. Have I missed some vital knowledge of hidden keystrokes. Or does it just not do it (yet).
Cheers Bernie

If I watch a program from the start or--, I can later decide to record this program with my old IPbox 9000HD(external HDD), and it will record all from the time I started to watch.

If I move the dish from 28.2E after recording has started, to 0.8W, I can watch programs at 0,8W, and only have to return before the recordig ends, and it all works. My TM5402 M2 does not have this possebility ?
