Seas0nPass jailbreak app for Apple TV now available


Staff member
Dec 5, 2006
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The folks at fireCore have released Seas0nPass, a jailbreak application for the second generation Apple TV. Seas0nPass is a tethered jailbreak solution that requires you to connect your Apple TV to your computer briefly during boot. Similar to the Pwnage tool app, the jailbreak application lets you load custom IPSW files onto your Apple TV.

While Seas0nPass is new, fireCore is a name that should be familiar to Apple TV owners. This group also released aTV Flash, a software package that adds streaming services like, an HTML 5 web browser and more to the Apple TV. The latest version aTV Flash (black) is in beta and is available as a pre-order for US$19.95. It requires a jailbroken second generation Apple TV.

Unlike aTV Flash, which is available for a nominal fee, Seas0nPass is open source and available for free. The tool was designed for the second generation Apple TV only, so please don't try this with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. The current version of Seas0nPass is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 or later. A Windows version is under development and will be available soon.

Interested Apple TV owners can grab the download and pertinent instructions at The source code is available here on Github. Remember, jailbreaking is inherently risky and the comments on fireCore's website suggest this tool may be riskier than normal. Jailbreaking is done at the sole discretion of the reader, and we assume no responsibility for bricked Apple TVs.