Radiator rusting paint advise


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I've got this small downstairs loo radiator. I replaced it about 12 months ago due to rust and 12-18 months on this new one is doing going the same way. The toilets a cold one so I'm going to paint the rad. I then starts reading all the different reviews on all the different rad paint products just to cover the rust but some are sh*t, some go yellow after a month or so. Can anyone recommend a decent radiator paint (not spray) for a rad white satin if possible something to hopefully block the rust appearing on radiator
Should have said I tried the screwfix spray paint on the last rad. Smell was overpowering and it run all down the rad looked worse in the end and stunk for weeks
I use Hammerite radiator paint on mine -- but you would need to kill the rust first.
They do a 'rust killer' paint, but it does not come in white (beige/grey/black)
OK thanks I'm gonna give it a sand down on the rust parts
I shouldn't have mentioned heating I tempted fate,
Combi went this morning :(:(:(
The motherboard and heat exchanger knackered and the gas fitter said he would have to replace those before he can check the rest so not worth it.

Just had to buy a Main Eco Compact 30W gets fitted tomorrow.
Telling you, I'd never get a Vaillant again, f##k that, been nothing trouble from 2 years in, utter sh#t and wasn't cheap either