MOH problem


VIP Member
VIP Member
Jul 5, 2001
Reaction score
ive been able to connect to anyones ip address that has been posted on here but for the last 3 dayz i havent been able to get on a game except when accessing a game from the BROWSE INTERNET SERVERS in which i can access every game i have clicked on,it seems only to be the ones on DW,i enter the ip address and as soon as the white bar gets to 3 quarters up it feezes and puts me back to the first room in MOH.......any ideas cuz im dying to kick MADBOMBERS backside :mad:
someone help zoo ,coz id love to see him try and kick MB backside lmao :)
zooropa said:
ive been able to connect to anyones ip address that has been posted on here but for the last 3 dayz i havent been able to get on a game except when accessing a game from the BROWSE INTERNET SERVERS in which i can access every game i have clicked on,it seems only to be the ones on DW,i enter the ip address and as soon as the white bar gets to 3 quarters up it feezes and puts me back to the first room in MOH.......any ideas cuz im dying to kick MADBOMBERS backside :mad:

zoo m8 look at ur pm's
where too m8,what on the game u mean .......zoo
all done

Thanks to all for helping me sort this problem out but especially me old m8 RAT who MADE me uninstall breakthrough even though i didnt want to and install it again and hey presto it works,me and RAT just had a shootout and he won,but i was being nice to him :Cheers:
Did I miss the solution...because I have the same problem when i put in the ip addy and click to enter it just shoots me right back to the first room.I was hoping this would tell me how to sort it.
all i did m8 was uninstall breakthrough then reinstall it and everything was ok........zoo
The only time I get no joy that it kicks me is when I play instant action ,

then because of so many of us having the same cd key certain servers wont let you on.

but normally ok on Mickies/ or mine /Bombers /Huggis etc

Scoot :)