Messed up RGH? Nand cannot be detected to flash back to stock.

Abu Baniaz

VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 30, 2008
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East London
A bit of a long one this.....

Was performing RGH1 using CR rev C on a Falcon. Cb 5771, original dash 13599. All went very well, booted up fine a couple of times into FSD. Image created was 16197.

I de-soldered the wires and had to use another screen using a VGA cable. It would not boot into a dash. Xell was instant. I thought that perhaps the recent image had issues so I rebuilt 15574 and flashed it. The console would go to 3 red lights with secondary code 0111 (nand issue) but still boot into Xell instantly.Nothing on the screen though. At this point I thought maybe my flash drive is dodgy so rebuilt image using 360 multi builder and used another flash drive. (Unknowingly it had rawflash3 instead of 4). Now the console wont respond. It won't even go to Xell

I resoldered the wires to hopefully revert back to stock and start afresh, but the nand is not detected. I have redone the wires and ensured no bridges. Using a J-R programmer as well as an SPI programmer. Both will not detect the nand.

Is there any hope?

And lastly, a general question, can Rawflash flash the original nand back or just freeboot images?

Many thanks in advance.
yes it can flash original nand back , just need to rename the original dump `updflash`

You can try shorting the nand pins , then you should be able to detect it again.h**p://
Many thanks for that Dave it worked a treat. Credit also to Busted Twinkie.

I did it slightly differently to the instructions by Busted Twinkie. I did not use a screwdriver and used some kynar wire on the points next to the resistor, they were not insulated in my case and the wire sits in the holes. Test with a multimeter between points and nand, if they are insulated you are you can always use the resistor ends or the legs on the nand.

1) Disconnect Power Cable from 360, and disconnect Programmer
2) Leave 360 unplugged for 2 mins
3) Short data pins 29-32 being careful not to touch power pins 36 & 37
4) Plug in Power <--- May need an extra pair of hands)
5) WAIT 5 seconds!!! <--- Did not see this in other guides and it helped me!
6) Remove short
7) Plug in Programmer

Erase entire nand using the command: "nandpro usb: -e16 0 400"
You can then flash your image from scratch.


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