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making your own E juice


Staff member
Hi im going to start (try/experiment) making/mixing my own E juice.
I have purchased all the needed ingredients and read up a little and have installed "juice me up" mixing combinations software..
My question is generally what percent of flavor concentrate is used per 100 percent of mix.
reading around the interweb most say to use 25 percent is this what you guys are generally doing? and if you are going to use 2 or 3 flavors in your mix do you half and quarter to stay at 25 percent for total flavors? so 2 flavors equals 12.5% each?.
Depends which flavour, which manufacturer of the concentrate and your vaping style really m8.
I mix most of mine around 15% flavour 75vg 25pg initially and tweak from there for single coil vaping but the more dense the vape you're producing, the less nic and flavour you need in your mix so sometimes I'll dilute it down to under 10% for dual coil setups.
If you look up the recipies and flavours you're trying to create online you can get a fair idea of which ones are the stronger flavours to err on the side of caution with and ones that need extra steeping time for the flavour to develop.
Start of low on the flavours as too much will make it taste/smell chemically
Try 5% then if you think you need more flavour up it to 7% and so on
I find 10% to 13% is best for custards which need 3 months of steeping to get full flavour
Higher VG mixes will need a little extra flavour but not all the time.

More than one flavour, lets says 3 flavours in all you can go up to 30%

My opinion for best brand is
Capella = Best
Inawera = Strongest if you use 10% other flavour you only need 5% of this
PA = all good
Some recipe sites
e-Liquid Calculator
Galerie de recettes - 1ml.me
All Recipes | Lorann Oils
E-liquid calculator & recipe database | dot1ml

DIY Vape Flavoring Sources

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Got my stuff today and i am using Capella concentrates..
ive gone for 40pg+60vg 10mg nicotine and 20% flavor..mixed using juice me up..
I asked @ The Alchemists Cupboard who sell the concentrates and was advised to start with 20% flavor but im just experimenting so will see.The first batch of 3 mixes with different flavors are hiding in a dark place while they steep..going to give them a few days before i try..