Hardware Laptop Repairs?


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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I have Three Laptops that need repair, bought them for my kids almost 2 years back.

Asus X53E

One has a cracked screen, I could probably do this one myself :).

The other 2 have broken AC inserts (the bit the 19v plug goes in).

Who do you guys use?

Both my two youngest want new laptops for christmas but these laptops are bloody i5s (or i3's can't remember), would rather get them fixed than buy new ones...

What you reckon.

I fix laptops all the time and have done a few DC Power Jack Socket Port replacements .......

can send me one are the the two to fix Mick ;)

will have to strip them down and see exactly witch one is fitted before i can order parts ect


I'm sure that spud would do a good job but if you don't fancy risking your laptops in the post there is an alternative.
Times are hard in the tv trade and I'm sure your local repair shop would be glad of the work. You could even strip them down,order the replacement sockets, take the motherboards and have them do the job even cheaper. Probably be a quick turnround as well and a small warranty.
Some connectors are not soldered onto the motherboard owing to the breakages. Easier to replace a small PCB than a motherboard. Might be an idea to search for "model number + power connector repair" and see what is involved.
Pin Size 5.5mm x 2.5mm.
Check picture and compare Your old part before purchase!

looks like there is 2 to choose on this model of laptop to replace the Power Jack Socket

will have to strip it down first to see witch one you have to get first

will fix it for free and you just pay the postage ect ;)
Thanks everyone, I never thought about the local TV shop, there is one 10 minutes down the road from me.

I will see if he can do something like that, if not then they are going to you @spud1966, but I would never let you do them for free pal.

Lovely offer and much appreciated, but I am sure it would take allot of time... and I would just feel better paying you mate.

Thanks everyone.

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I do a lot of local laptop n PC repair and use the local TV guy for the odd soldering job, I get away with throwing him £5 to solder a power jack socket.
check the local TV shop out Mick and see if the price is ok ?

if not i can fix them if its just broken Power Jack Socket :)
I do a lot of local laptop n PC repair and use the local TV guy for the odd soldering job, I get away with throwing him £5 to solder a power jack socket.

I take in motherboard repairs from a couple of local shops. Replacing the dc power socket is often far trickier than you would think. Lots' of heat needed and often closely situated smd components to be wary of. Once removed, clearing the holes to accomodate the new socket can also take some time.
Personally I wouldn't switch my rework station on for a fiver.

If thats' all you pay then you either know him really well, are related or he isn't the real McCoy who repairs for a living.
Wrong on all 3 counts, his getting on in his years, retired, gave up his shop etc now does the odd job from his garden shed just to give himself something to do.
Wrong on all 3 counts, his getting on in his years, retired, gave up his shop etc now does the odd job from his garden shed just to give himself something to do.

Wrong on 2 counts then, doesn't do it for a living.
Other members on here will view this thread, now or quite a while from now. Would be better if they didn't have the impression that a skilled repair technician would take on such a job for a fiver or anywhere close to that.
Wrong on 2 counts then, doesn't do it for a living.
Other members on here will view this thread, now or quite a while from now. Would be better if they didn't have the impression that a skilled repair technician would take on such a job for a fiver or anywhere close to that.

This is true and has been cleared up but giving the impression that it's possible to get the job done from a skilled technician cheaper then normally would be available if you look around n ask the odd question. I got to know about him from a reputable shop who pointed me in his direction.

So I would say ask around before giving it to the first shop you walk into.
Got to say I'm with @chookey here. I've done plenty of hardware repairs in my time, including mainboards, but a laptop power socket can be seriously hard without the right kit. Correct me if I'm wrong but you'll be looking at quick heat on a multi-layer board and cleaning out the printed-through holes without damage (including local SMD). Personally, I wouldn't tackle it unless it was mine and a last resort option!
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i just use a solder station , no clean flux and desoldering braid

if its a big job to clear the solder i just use my solder pump first sorted :)