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Is this the right process for modem hacking?

Midnight Tboy

Inactive User
Hey there,

ok I've tried doing a bunch load of reading and searches to try to find out what info a I need to hack a modem box, some sections with better results than others. I still am not 110% certain I understand exactly the process so would just like to clarify the basic steps needed here if you wouldnt mind. Plus I have to wait till my post count is up anyway to download most of the juicy stuff :)

Right ... here goes.

1. Acquire Modem (only have a subbed 200 at mo, would either buy a SB5100, 200 or 250 to do this)

2. Pull it to bits.

3. Buy a blacktag cable (about 7.50 ish on fleabay)

4. Solder the 10 pin header into modem.

5. Connect to blackcat and flash to Sigma X2 Stealth firmware.

Alternatively skip most of those steps ^ and buy a preflashed box from fleabay or someone here (which I presume would have the 10pin headers then installed.

6. Run DHCP Sniffer and find a bunch load of macs in your area.

7. Trade the mac addresses you have, on with site, with someone who lives in a totally different town or county.

8. Buy a Max232 cable from one of the good fellows I see recommended on here frequently.

9. Connect up the Max232 with the pc and the header inside the modem.

10. Run relevant software, and set it to reprogram to the Mac code you were given.

11. Load a config file to the modem to set speed etc

12. Reassemble then test...with a hopeful grin on face.

I hope these steps are right? On just checking last couple of minutes however I've just been thrown off as now seem to have read that the blackcat cable is only for the SB modems? I thought it was for all....so which is better if using an Ambit 200/250 :)

thanks for looking at my dumb questions :) I was going to draw a flow chart but prob easier just like that with a simple laymans terms :)

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...or just buy a SB4100 or SB4200 and you might not even need to open it, those can be flashed over your network cable!
hmmm that sounds like a v good idea :). Are these capable of reaching 20mb speeds? I presume you mean they can also be programmed via the ethernet too to the new mac address. Does it also mean that if VM kill that mac/box, then should just be able to reprogram a new mac in it without having to reflash..or are VM able to force a reflash thru the network cable too?
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I see they are capable of reaching 20mb speeds according to a quick fleabay link.

Would they be capable of also doing 50 when virgin finally get round to it? If not, same q goes to them other boxes, tho thats a fair bit down the line yet :)

But certainly if they're able to set the new macs and all info needed via the ethernet then it seems a hassle free option...tho makes me wonder why others havent been touting it as the best one to use?
Sadly no, new modems and hardware in your UBR are needed to support the new 50Mbs tier coming. I can't personally comment about the surfboard modems but the ambit 200, 250 and 255 definetly support 20 Mbs. I like the 200 myself as you can flash it with blackcat if it gets bricked, unlike the 250/255 which needs the tsop unslodering and reprogramming.

thanks...I think I will try to get a 200. It does seem that the guides are easier to come by and more up to date for a 200 than a 250.

Am I right in thinking, that by getting an untouched box, I can actually flash the firmware of a 200 just using a Max232 cable? so no soldering is involved (as I really want to avoid that)...so its not much point really to buy a one that someone has preflashed with sigma seeing as I'd have to connect the max232 anyway to set the mac and serial number etc?
None of the current modems will allow a 50mbit connection mate, it's an entirely different kettle of fish and AFAIK Virgin haven't even announced which new model of modems they will be using.

All surfboards support 20mb no problem, and IMO the SB4100 and SB4200 has the best available firmware called HACKWARE, it is by far the easiset to use, and as mentioned earlier if yuo are lucky to get one with early firmware then you don't even need to open it up to flash it.
I did look at the surfboard....and the idea that theres so little to do on it to set it up is very appealing :)

However, its a lot easier it seems finding guides for the ambits.

Also...at the current moment, I can only see a couple of SB4200s for sale. The preflashed ones come with Sigma again (why do they keep picking to install sigma if the other is better?).

Also, if its only an easy flash if I'm lucky enough to get a certain firmware version....how easy is it to flash if I dont get that firmware version :) And how easy would it be to recover from being turned to a brick compared to a 200?
1st of all, it cannot be turned into a brick, thats an Ambit issue, it doesn't affect SB4100 or SB4200, I've got no idea why traders are chosing Sigma over Hackware, my personal opinion is that they haven't played with alternative firmwares and went for Sigma instead of experimenting like us hobbyists do, we do it for fun, they do it for cold hard cash, many traders are complete twats with very little knowledge of the product.

Hackware is not available for the SB4200e

If you don't get an earlier firmware on your modem then you may be able to change the mac address (and in some cases change the firmware) using a set of secret MIBs (instructions), if all that fails then you'll need to open the modem and connect a 4 wire serial lead to it and change the firmware that way, piece of piss.

Remember Ambits can be bricked, Surfboards can't.
There are loads of tutorials on this site regarding Surfboards mate, the Haynes Guide has very detailed instructions on how to flash all Surfboards.

BTW, I'm not against the Ambits, they are very good modems, I just don't like the fact that they can be shut down.
aha thanks,

I'll open up the haynes guide again and take another look at the Surfboard section.

When you say that if it isn't the same firmware then would need to use a 4wire lead. Would that need soldering in or is there a header on the board that it plugs straight in to? :)

At the moment I'm only looking at fleebay to get the actual basic modems tho I'm sure sure there must be somewhere else to get them from too. Are these modems (both SB and Ambit) only available ever to buy 2nd hand I take it or do some places provide them new too? Ideally would be able to get one with hackware on beforehand.....if a solder is required on a newer firmware...but if its not then I'm pretty sure I'll be competent enough to do it without :) I think I must just have some sort of phobia against using a soldering iron :) (on top of would need to actually buy one and practice with it and work out what types of wires etc to get :p - last time ever soldered was about 18yrs ago :)
other pain is getting access to most of the tutorials at the mo from this site, so hard to do some of the reading up...as I still havent reached the post count required yet :( But still...I'm managing to find a mix of files from another site in the meantime till my post count is good enough :) would be a lot better if all files had the post count requirement, but tutorials should have been made available from the get go.
Theres a few tutorials and guides posted in the cable modems section and in the stickies which you can use without having a high post count. Although they are geared towards ambits, I still believe in just getting an unflashed modem and having a bash myself than having to rely on someone else. My first one was a flashed 200 but it was way too expensive. Since then I got a couple of untouched ones and a max232 and some 10 pin headers and had a play. Haven't destroyed any of them yet......

thanks...I think I will do it from scratch as the guy who sold the preflashed ambits also used a diff ver of the sigma than I would have liked to have used when going by the New Ambit 2008 guide.

It also looks v easy to flash the 200 as no solder required (not sure if this is true if they have been untouched but connected to VM recently to have some sort of more secure update forced on to them to prevent it?)

I didnt mind paying double the odds for a preflashed one for my first one if it meant I'd get away without the solder but not if the version of sigma (or hackware) they're using isnt the recommended one going by you guys on the sites :)
You may have to solder a 10 pin header and a resistor to the board if you ever need to use blackcat and a JTAG to flash the modem, but only if its corrupted/bricked or taken the latest firmware update from VM. But If I can do it (and my soldering is appalling!) I'm sure you can. This is all buried in the haynes guide. Making your own chipless jtag cable is easy too.

I have found someone selling boxes which they assure are supposedly not updated so should be ok in that respect....well until I brick it myself lol :D

About £13 it costs. sooooooo...as far as I can think I just need for now to buy a max232 from either the fleetcomputersystems site (forgot guys name) and the other guy said to pm on this site who's name I've forgot right now :p

I presume I also need to buy a serial cable to connect the max232 up to the pc....or do these guys provide them too for extra else its a maplin trip in store for me :) unless there's one sitting there under the bed in our box of tricks (oo-errr)
The one i got from tmc on ebay (£12) had a serial connector soldered onto the board and that plugged straight into the back of my pc and the 4pin plug was just long enough to reach a modem sitting behind it. I guess you could get a small extension cable but i dunno if it would effect the lead though.

thanks I've just found his one on ebay at 12.50 delivered. Although it does not show anything connected to the serial connector and just the audio cable, so wonder if he now sells them without only. Will have to email him to ask :)
No probs. I still think a trip to maplins is in order, get yourself a soldering iron, a ten pin header and some other bits from the haynes guide just in case ;)
think I might :) (tho still insist on doing first with easiest possible option - dont want a first fail to push me to give up :))

and get a chip programmer too while at it perhaps for the wii etc (ok dont run before can walk)

Is there any particular model of solder iron that you would recommend....be it from maplin, argos etc, or of course over the net from ebay and the likes to save a few quid... :) Would rather pay bit more for a good one, tho rather not pay a high streets inflated prices if I can get a better one for same price elsewhere, as I dont know what sort of wattage, shape, and thickness etc generally recommended
