Ics/Network once again ????? AHHHHHHHHHHH


Senior Member +
Jun 23, 2004
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Just this side of HELL.....

I had ICS all set up thru my Laptop at home, all was working ok, However,

Now i have broadband installed thru another base unit and this is the thing, how do redirect the whole thing so the b/b connection is the main internet connection but still keeping the dial up on the laptop.

I seem to have all connections in place and the network works......when it wants to...... :) However, no other base units on network can browse internet via int explorer - even laptop??????????

If even the kappy cannot access the web there might be something wrong with it's network configuration in the first place.

-Make sure you disconnect all other machines from the network except the lappy.
-See if the lappy, when not running ICS is able to surf the web without any problems.
-Tell me results then :)
What's the error when lappy is connected over broadband ? Connection successful but cannot surf web or sumtin ? If yes, please post full ipconfig/all to have a look at why it doesn't work over broadband.
Yep basically bk :), Ok i've got a Home Network, Net Adaptor and Connection to b/b connection along with Dial up connection on Lappy. H Network, Net Adap, Bridge Conn and Internet/ B/B Connection on Main Base Unit, H Network, Bridge and Net Adap on base unit 2, Network conn on base unit 3. Clear as mud i know....pmsl.
One ****ed up network i'd say :)
Will take me a week to sort out what might bridge what and connects where hehehe :)
Aight, lets see:

Still worth looking at ipconfig/all of the lappy when only the lappy is connected to the bb connection. First thing to start with. If you get the lappy going on bb then everything else should fall into place (theoretically....but knowing windows.....fook)
Open a command prompt, then type ipconfig/enable. Copy all that output into the clipboard and paste it here
So you can get the Intenet on all machines, but you cannot see files on any other of the machines?

Have you tried mapping the drives?

and enabled classic network?

in the local security policy, default is guest so you need to set it to classic