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i there a way to get spotify premium on my iphone without jailbreaking it ? please


VIP Member
VIP Member
I tried using tweekbox but it didn't install spotify on my phone .

any help or a way to do this would be appreciated .

Not sure I understand the question. I have Spotify Premium installed on my iPhone. :confused:
Yes you can, but you'd need to buy an account basically. I dont believe there are any hacks that allow it to be free.
not used a iphone in a long time but to install a cracked app you use to need to jail break
other option you have is get a developer license and get the cracked IPK source code and transfer it to your phone.

A friend of mine using one of those prepaid credit cards and says you can use it to get spotify premuim once you pay for it the first month it will work even when no credit on the card after the first month. not tried it myself though.
Best way to do it is get 6 people to share the family account
6 users £30 a year each (£2.50 a month)
No worries about accounts being shut down etc when buying hacked accounts
I followed this guide I found on UK hot deals, maybe guide needs moving to another section???. My family account is in the Philippines and cost me £2.89 per month. I have not had any problems with it so far apart from it took 2 weeks for my account to work with my Philippines paypal account.

Original link h**ps://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/spotify-premium-family-philippines-6-users-only-282-047-pppm-3138662

If you can't be bothered to do the below, you will see some members are willing to let you have one of their family slots for 52p per month... Bargain. I did this for 3 months to make sure it worked, I then did it myself and now all of my family are connected.

I documented my entire method on my second attempt to setup this. It is rather verbose but if 1 person can follow and get it working - great.

Setup Spotify Premium for Family on Spotify Philippine URL site with recurring monthly payment for GBP2.96 from PayPal account setup on PayPal PH URL site with a Revolut card linked in that PayPal account.

Resources I used.
# URL: expressvpn.com/wha…-ip ##constantly check your IP and VPN session connection is still geolocated at Philippines.
# Windows 10 PC. Doesn’t have to be Win10.
# Chrome browser. (Clear you entire cache / browsing history - all of it) There is a reason not to use Incognito mode later on.
# Revolut card. With at least £5 in UK GBP for the purpose of getting going. Note: I could not purchase Philippine Pesa as a currency through Revolut. Confirm/create a Virtual Card to be used. Commenters say that this card should not be linked or used in any other PayPal account you have. Follow this practice. I actually deleted my existing virtual card and created a new one. I had to update any services using the previous one of course.
# VPN service running as an application and not as a browser extension.
- ExpressVPN was used for 1 month on 30 day money back guarantee. So cancel after if so.

VPN Setup
Download VPN software of choice (ExpressVPN) confirming that the service chosen has servers to connect to in the Philippines - most VPN services report their VPN server list on their website. eg. I found that my sub to VPNSecure does not have VPN connections for PH!
Install software to complete, Activate if required, then Open a VPN connection to Philippines from the list of available locations. ExpressVPN has ‘Philippines (via Singapore)’ - don’t worry.
Once connected, check you IP and location via URL at top. Web page shows you are located Manila, Philippines.

Open browser to paypal.com/ph/
Choose Sign Up. Buy with PayPal
Note: URL shows paypal.com/ph/…ome

» Sign Up FORM fill out page.
The page auto-picked country as Philippines. And the flag at bottom of form was Philippean flag. (Flag of the Philippines - Wikipedia)
Enter First and Last Name.
Enter Email address**, then before a password can be entered a Captcha Security Challenge appears. Tick ‘I am not a robot.’
Continue and enter a password.

** Use a gmail account. If primary account is named hoodwinked@gmail, then use the email (eg) hoodwinked+phspotify@gmail. This keeps the account unique and never referenced and used before. We will use this for Spotify sign up also. The emails will all end back at the primary email inbox.

» Account FORM fill out page.
DOB: Own was used.
Nationality: Philippines
Drivers License: Xnn-nn-00nnnn ##format found in Google Image Search of Philippean Driving Licence. X is a upper letter. n is a number.
Address Line 1: non ##enter here only the house number/name that matches that of your Revolut Card or CC address billing details.
Barangay/District: xyz road ##enter here only the road name that matches that of your Revolut Card or CC address billing details.
City/Municipality: Manila
ZIP Code: nnnn ##enter here a 4 digit code based on your real UK Postcode. If SW1 4DJ, make it 1144
Province/Region: Manila
Mobile: +63 nnnnnnnnnn ## +63 is forced here. Enter in your own mobile if you want. Entry here is required.
Confirm checkbox

» Account Created:
Add a card to start using your PayPal Account
Added Virtual Revolut card. Newly created. (VISA)
LINK CARD (click)
Captcha. I am not a robot

(Revolut App notifies me that PayPal has just withdrawn £0.77)


Notes: PayPal will now and again ask you to verify your account using the mobile number... just say Not Now.

Confirm VPN session still connected to Manila,PH - expressvpn.com/wha…-ip
Now to Spotify account......

Spotify Account Creation/Setup
Open browser at spotify.com and sends me to spotify.com/ph/
Go through the Account creation wizard..
Once created confirm Profile shows Country: PH
Without PH as your country here can be root cause of further problems.

Now lets try and get Spotify PH and PayPal PH to link up!!!

Choose Upgrade, and go Offers.
All the while the browser URL is at spotify.com/ph/…um/ and Phillipean flag in bottom right of web page (sanity check)

Spotify for FAMILY
redirects to back to a spotify.com/ph URL
Plan is Philippean Pesa @P194 per month

The Plan Payment page appears
Choose Payment Method has a drop down that is sitting at Credit Card by default.
Click the drop-down to reveal PayPal and choose it.
Notice Philippines country flag is still the chosen country.
Spotify goes through to PayPal Agreement page for Spotify to have a 1 month recurring payment withdrawal.
Agree and Pay.

{Still connected to the Philippean VPN)

Notes: Revolut App notifies me that PayPal has just withdrawn £2.96

URL showing: spotify.com/ph/…ess
Now on the page with INVITE YOUR FAMILY option - select it.
Premium for Family page section under Account appears with a FORM to complete.
Complete the FORM about You with the exact same address details above used in PayPal.

URL showing: spotify.com/ph/…iew
Your Home with You page is presented. With the option to Invite other members of your household to join your plan.
SEND INVITE option - select it.

URL showing: spotify.com/ph/…ite
Invite Family Member page
First and Last Name and Email

During this procedure DO NOT use INCOGNITO Mode in Chrome. Sign Up Form will not display Captcha.!
Open VPN Session to Philippines
Sign Up for Spotify
Confirm Country is set to PH
Click on the invite email.
Fill out Address details exactly same as the owner of the Family account filled out.
Complete the form with the Captcha. Submit.
Confirm the Activation Account email also.

If a person already has a Spotify account, I believe they can ‘convert’ this to. Family Member account. But they also need to be connected to a PH VPN session first. So...establish VPN session to PH.
Logon to Spotify. Spotify geo-locates you and probably only presents PH as a country to be changed to in that users account profile. Then the exact same address, field by field needs to be completed for that family member that was used to setup the Spotify for Family account.
Once saved. Drop VPN session and use Spotify as normal. Never change the country to anything else. Leave it at PH.

This is as stated is long winded, could be shortened down. But it is how I got my accounts in Spotify and PayPal linked up. No steps missed and as much detail as I recorded about the method as possible. If it doesn’t work for you then something else is at play. The main one is the recurring payment message... sanity check that the country is set to PH in Spotify before proceeding with the payment link up.
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No sure if its still the same but when ya jailbroke the iphones your banking apps never worked and things like sky go. I done the nus extra trick u do for getting a student card. U end up paying £5 a month for spotify legit but still half price and ya get student card aswell for other perks :)