How to patch your games with topology data for LT+ 3.0


Staff member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
The Moon
LT+ 3.0 requires that any AP2.5 protected games are patched with topology data and re-burned. Here's a guide on how to do that. Make sure you read it carefully as I will not be held responsible if you make mistakes and end up flagging your console!

Games that are covered by the topology patches included in this guide: -

All current XGD3 games apart from the XGD3 version of Halo: Reach
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Halo: Reach (XGD2 version only)

If you have any other AP2.5 protected games, do not use these patches to patch them or it will not work! The XGD3 patch is not guaranteed to work with future releases, so use it at your own risk.

UPDATE - Some untested (by me anyway) patches for other XGD2 titles can be found in post #18 of this thread. Try them at your own risk! If they work OK, please report back and let us know.

1. Download the required files

Download the latest version of Xbox Backup Creator and the topology patches, HERE.

IMPORTANT - There are 2 topology patches in the zip. The XGD3 topology patch can be used for all current XGD3 titles apart from the XGD3 version of Halo: Reach. The XGD2 topology patch can be used for Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2 and Halo: Reach (XGD2 version) only.

2. Patch the ISO

Fire up Xbox Backup Creator. Click on the Image Tools tab. Underneath Action, select "Inject". Click the AP25 Sector button and you will be prompted to select your ISO file, so select it. You'll then be prompted to select the topology bin file, so select that. Make sure you select the correct bin file! Once you've done this, in the main window of Xbox Backup Creator you'll see a message that the AP25 sector has been injected, so now you can move on to stage 3.

3. Burn the ISO

If you still have the .DVD file that matches your ISO, you can just burn as normal and you're done. Follow THIS guide if you're not sure what to do.

If you don't have a .DVD file (e.g. if you ripped the ISO from a backup disc) then you can create one manually using the steps below.

3a. Manually create a .DVD file for XGD2 games

Open Notepad and type in the following: -


Make sure you change "nameofiso.iso" to the actual name of the ISO, so for instance, if your ISO is called fable2.iso then in Notepad it would look like this: -


Now save your Notepad text file, again, using the same name as your ISO. So, in the example above, you would end up with a text file called fable2.txt.

Now all you need to do is rename the text file and change the .txt extension to .dvd and you're ready to burn.

3b. Manually create a .DVD file for XGD3 games

Open Notepad and type in the following: -


Make sure you change "nameofiso.iso" to the actual name of the ISO, so for instance, if your ISO is called gears3.iso then in Notepad it would look like this: -


Now save your Notepad text file, again, using the same name as your ISO. So, in the example above, you would end up with a text file called gears3.txt.

Now all you need to do is rename the text file and change the .txt extension to .dvd and you're ready to burn.

FAQ - What does "AP25 cannot locate dae.bin file" mean in XBC?

Ignore it. DAE.bin is no longer required for ripping/patching games for LT+ 3.0.

FAQ - Should I run XGD2 games through abgx360 after patching them?

No. This may download an older AP2.5 sector and patch your ISO with it and you don't want that. It is a good idea to run the ISO through abgx360 before injecting the topology data, as that will check it over for you and create a .DVD file if you need one, but do not do it after injecting the data