How to log Channel Id's with Elog !


VIP Member
VIP Member
Jan 25, 2005
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Who knows !
This is for people with loggers who want to find those hard to get channel Id's

First of all you need to run elog in the normal way except you must select that all packets are logged rather than filtering just on Emm's. During the log your stb should be tuned to the channel you are interested in.

Once you have a log it will be full of all kinds of stuff but you should find a Cmd03. This will look something like -

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If the 9th pair of digits is an 03 and the 11th/12th digits are your provider tag (NTL=55 01, TW=5B 01, C&W=5D 01) then you have an interesting packet. Packet size may vary depending on the type of channel but the 9th,11th and 12th digits will always be as above for an ECM.

So clean it up a little into a useful format by removing all the crap at the end of each line and then joining together

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Now, for the next stage you need to know the present decrypt keys for your provider and the verify key. This information can normally be aquired from any active card. The present Rst EEprom file is often a good bet but you can extract the info from a Mosc if you want equally as easily.

For the Mosc the verify key will be from the Tier 7 (Decrypt keys) for your secondary provider (Key set Number 55 3F, 5B 3F or 5D 3F). The decrypt keys will be in the Tier 6 (Provider Info) for the secondary provider (program provider class 55, 5B or 5D) listed as Public Key 0 and Public Key 1.

Ok, now you need to run EmmStudio !

Select the ECM's button from the top icon bar. In the new window enter your Key0, Key1 and verify key (VK) in the appropriate boxes. Now in the ECM box enter your logged ECM and press the "Decrypt ECM" button.

The bottom pane of the window should, hopefully, give you a decrypted ECM in something like the following form.

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As you can see, lots of interesting info there but the thing you are really after at this point is the program ID. In this case it was 0001

So, the channel being viewed at that time will be channel 0001 and you are now in a position to post that channel Id 0001 is Sky Movies (You know what channel you are viewing dont you ;) )

So, now you know how to find the channel Id's for those hard to get channels !

Easy wasn't it !
i think the poor mans logger only logs Emm's rather than the ECM's but if someone has the source code to PML then it shouldn't be too hard to modify it.