Help, Where do i get it all ?



after surfing through ur site for nearl 5 hours and various other links cud someone please tell me exactly what i need to get going, is the following correct and where can i obtain it all, much appreciated,

i need an elvis programmer
1 wafer gold card
kevlar software (where can i get this)
hex codes
multiprogrammer software (wherefrom)

Thanking you very much
Right Wizard9t9 i was going to reply to your e-mail to me but i shall do it here for you .
You can get an Elvis prorgrammer from HERE Divineo for £44 and it comes with the software, and a 16f84 & 24lc16 Gold card from HERE Maxking for £6 the kevlar 1.3 software you can get from our downloads forum........
hope this as helped you m8.
And i would give the guy you got the card off for £45 it back :mad: as this is what we are trying to stop on here........Gazer :)