ELVIS- O* Di****al --A bridge too far



Sorry to be a real slow learning pain but this is my problem.... I have a gold card with kevlar codes 13 hex and 13ee assigned to chips 16f84 and 24c16 respectively that reads ok using mkfind4. That is all i have What else do i need to do to make a working card?
Thanks in advance delboy
:) Hi m8

I'm not quite sure of your problem? sorry i may be abit slow on the uptake tonight.

have you already programmed you goldcard with Kevlar.

if yes: have you tried in on***tal box yet to see if working. because you may need to put in sept code.? you can get the code from and enter these using your on***tal remote control to update card.


I allways begin with 0000 before entering the 6 codes.

:) :cool: :)
Davech, thanks for replying. No you weren`t slow it was definately me. Got it all sorted now thanks for the help.
Just one more question if its not too much trouble;
Will the card need re - "elvising" for October or do you just put in Octobers codes via remote?

Tx in advance..
Cheers Jondoe, its really great to have you guys out there.<br />Your help is truly appreciated.