Dbox2 only. Can cable company detect it?

señor ding dong

Inactive User
Mar 12, 2005
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This may be a stupid question, but that's never stopped me before. If you only have your Dbox connected, can the cable company detect it? I know the box doesn't have talkback, but if your main box isn't "online", can't they see someone is watching with something?
ur dbox2 will not have talkback so ur cable provider will not be able tell ur using a dbox2 unless there is a cable van and wee cable worker at the end of your street at the cable terminal tapping in on ur line feed. the best way to not make urself suspicious is to run a split and keep ur cable box on so it can talk back every night.
hope this info helps
Just some info for ya all............

I have the Smellywest broadband service.....no TV.

I have two analogue boxes, one digi box and a dbox all connected to the feed....

Never had any one knock on my door.................

The Heed