Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 To Be Announced Next Week


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Dec 5, 2006
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Yes you read that right ! The countdown to the next in the award winning Call of Duty series has begun! The developers behind Call of Duty, Activision, has started sending out dogtags which has the URL printed on it.



Navigation to this URL brings up a countdown timer, which is set to expire in just under 5 days time.


The last title in Call of Duty series was Black Ops, which was released in 2010 and smashed all time sales records.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released back in 2009.​
I am quite looking forward to activisions next release :) not keen on the other makers ones :(
What about the prestige pack, what cheap gimmicky thing this time, maybe a Chinese knock-off AK47???.

I actually like these games, mainly the single player campaigns, but seem to be getting shorter!

But I think Battlefield 3 will be out around the same time, which is more my type of on-liner.
I wont be buying it, Black Op's is total p*sh im sick of being cut off in the middle of a game..
Activision denies 'MW3' reveal

Activision has denied that it is to unveil Modern Warfare 3 next week.

Speaking to IGN, the publisher branded the countdown website findmakarov - which released the reports - as a "hoax".

"There seems to be a great deal of speculation about the next Call Of Duty project," said a company spokesperson. "Let me be clear that we are not revealing yet. Anything indicating otherwise is a hoax."

When asked whether the studio is planning to reveal anything next week, the representative replied, "Nope".

The findmakarov site appeared online yesterday hosting a countdown pointing to next Wednesday. It also included an image of Modern Warfare 2 character Shepard and the tagline 'End the War'.

Furthermore, That VideoGame Blog and Joystiq both received promotional dog tags - allegedly from Activision - bearing the website's URL.

It has been speculated that Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer and Raven Software are all collaborating on the next Modern Warfare title.
so all in all

No one actually knows

Just general heresay on the web,Well I look forward to a COD 2011 info release as black ops was ****ing shit,no where near on a par with it s predessco MW2 IFINITY WARD

hopefully spelt that right:Clap:
Re: Activision denies 'MW3' reveal

Registration details for the website are hidden.

From IP address they are not using the same servers that is hosted on (Littleton, Colorado vs Aliso Viejo, California). The ISP is different too. Neither Activision, Treyarch nor Infinity Ward is based in Littleton, Colorado. None of the game devs based in Colorado appear on the list of developers on the wikipedia entry for CoD.

I do remember that after West, Zampella and half the Infinity Ward staff left, there was rumour that the next CoD game might end up being a from another dev, and involve a third, new, franchise entirely separate from the Modern Warfare (Infinity Ward) and World at War/Black Ops (Treyarch) story arcs.
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I wont be buying it, Black Op's is total p*sh im sick of being cut off in the middle of a game..

My thoughts exactly, should spend more time sorting out the problems with Black Ops.
If i had £1 for everytime i got the message "server disconected ",lol
My Boys play it(Black Ops) almost 24/7 and never had any sort of server problem !! on PS3 !
I think COD will always be a best seller, though I think it's peak days are over. Especially since the 'real' delevopers Infinite Ward were decimated last year after Zampella fell out with Activision and half the IW staff resigned in disgust. I am interested to hear about their new game though, I forget what their new name is called (Zampella and half the crew which left IW) something like Project Respawn or something like that (fitting, no ? ;)) but I'm pretty sure they're working under EA now. Not that it makes a lick of difference to me as I don't play online arena shooters as I don't see the point lol. They just seem awfully basic and tedious to me and not my idea of fun. Closest thing I play to an arena shooter online is Uncharted 2 on occasion but that's 3rd person and has stealth and platform elements to it. But even that can't hold my attention for long as it's the same 3 or 4 maps that get played over and over again. Not that it's got owt to do with this thread mind!
I wont be buying it, Black Op's is total p*sh im sick of being cut off in the middle of a game..

Same here, Treyarch is a trash studio and Activision are the worst publisher around, they will spend more cash on marketing the game to make people buy it without a 2nd thought then on the actual game development.

I will not be buying any Activision games unless they have been made by Blizzard.
Same here, Treyarch is a trash studio and Activision are the worst publisher around, they will spend more cash on marketing the game to make people buy it without a 2nd thought then on the actual development.

To be fair it's only what Microsoft did/do with Halo and the vast majority of their products. And what Nintendo did with the Wii. They're good but not that good. What more can I say except aggressive advertising more than makes up the deficit to quality. I guarantee to you if Sony hadn't fooked up their pricing and advertising of the PS3 initially and if they were as aggressive as Nintendo and Microsoft with advertising now that the PS3 would have done a lot better than it has. And to say it's so close now to the 360 considering their year's head start and price difference not to mention Sony shooting themselves in the foot with half baked advertising in general that's actually saying quite a bit considering at one point Sony didn't have a prayer of catching up to Microsoft and the 360. So in that sense Microsoft have pissed their lead away also as much as Sony have caught up in recent times. Nintendo have all the sales, Microsoft have the online contingent and some of the casual audience now, but Sony is driving the industry once more in terms of console tech and games as it always has done. Games like Uncharted 2, MGS4, God Of War 3 and LittleBigPlanet2 all attest to that.

Oops, went off on to other tangents again! Anyway the point is advertising is key. Obviously.
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the most overhyped game series of all time announces another shitty game.

no surprise there. they continue to milk it, and the lemmings continue to buy it.

i have never got what is so appealing about this. warhawk pissed all over it as far as online game play is concerned
will be looking faward to this game when it comes out :)

regards fireblade.
the most overhyped game series of all time announces another shitty game.

no surprise there. they continue to milk it, and the lemmings continue to buy it.

^^ This lol

just got black ops for the PS3, can't see what the fuss is about.

COD4 online is still ok on the PC, keeps me entertained at work... the original first few CoD's were very poor on the PS2
^^ This lol

just got black ops for the PS3, can't see what the fuss is about.

COD4 online is still ok on the PC, keeps me entertained at work... the original first few CoD's were very poor on the PS2

cod2 on the 360 was the best FPS i have ever played, CoD4 not far behind basically infinity ward get it right... i wasnt that in to black ops but got it again to have another bash..