Britain Set To Freeze /07


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Aug 29, 2001
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Britain Set To Freeze

Drivers are being warned to take care on the roads as the first big chill of the winter begins to bite.

Freezing snow and ice is set to sweep across Scotland, England and Wales, with icy temperatures expected to bring an end to the unseasonably mild temperatures.

The Met Office has issued a severe weather warning for Scotland, Northern Ireland and the North of England predicting snow, sleet rain and hail.

It states that on roads above 200 metres several inches of snow is likely to settle.

The Highways Agency said it would grit A roads and motorways, warning drivers in northern England to take care with icy patches expected on the roads.

Forecasters MeteoGroup UK said a trough of bad weather was making its way across Wales and into England.

A Highways Agency spokesman said: "The Highways Agency advises drivers, particularly in the North, to take care as MetOffice forecast snow and widespread ice affecting roads in the North.

"The Highways Agency will be treating motorways and major A roads in advance of any bad weather and will continue to do so through the cold spell."

Towns and cities across the UK, already battered in Thursday's storms that brought havoc and left 17 dead, are now braced for the season's first real winter weather.
sounds scary !!! when does this bad weather start btw ??

seen in the news the other day that in 2080, the water levels will rise and most of the britain will be under water... but Im glad as they said Scotland should be safe :)
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This sure sounds crazy. We need to protect the environment. Just gonna turn of my lights.
kids were looking forward to the usual the weathermaen get it
TODAY WAS VERY COLD HERE IN LONDON, ILFORD In the mourning the snow looked beautiful but by 12.30 the sun came out and spoiled the day lol

I dnt mind snow but i hate to slip its embarassing

Gotta walk very slowly loool
yes we had a nice covering here in Essex today :) about an inch Id say
weather man got it wrong for scotland.. I had pure bought carrots to make my snowman's nose.. but nay luck !!!