Booze and Food ?

Booze with food?

  • YES

    Votes: 19 54.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 16 45.7%

  • Total voters


Banned for good!
Jul 20, 2005
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I've never understood why people would want to drink alcohol whilst eating, do you enjoy a can of beer or glass of wine with your meal?

I'd prefer either a soft drink, milk or water, under no circumstances would i wash my food down with alcohol.
Funny that, I'm same as you witchy except when I'm on holiday. Love a glass of the local brew with a meal then. Never really thought about why.
Funny that, I'm same as you witchy except when I'm on holiday. Love a glass of the local brew with a meal then. Never really thought about why.

LMAO, mate, I do the same!!!

I suppose it's a case of "whilst in Rome....." :)
It depends on the circumstances.

If I'm on a night out & have a sit-down meal, I like a drink with it, but only usually 2 x drinks max (beer, whisky or wine)

At home I usually have my dinner, then put the kettle on for a coffee when I've finished eating, but no alcohol.

I've selected no, as Going out for dinner is a rare occasion.

I'f I'm drinking in the house, I try to keep it to after eight.
lol only time i wash food down with alcohol is on holiday and even then i hardly ever do that!

Like you witchy2k1 i much prefer water or soft drink but then i dont drink alot of alcohol. Dont much like the taste of it and only reason i drink it is to get pissed :)
Don't drink full stop T total, like to have a soft drink while eating wash it down. Not fizzy, mainly juice.
Beer just goes so well with some meals. Like a curry for example...
You are scaring me now mate, are u my long lost twin? ;)

lol, the only alcoholic drinks that taste good are usually classified as "poof juice" so you cant be seen drinking them. Means i have to take a stinkin pint till i get semi pissed then il drink anything and everything!

Beer just goes so well with some meals. Like a curry for example...

In my opinion i cant think of a worse combination. When eating a curry i want to drink something that quenches my thirst not something that dries my mouth out! But as said before im not a big fan of the taste of alcohol.
strangley, if I am going out for a drink I normally like to have a good feed first (apart from the other week).

Wouldnt even consider drinking beer with food
I wouldnt drink beer with curry as it justs me heartburn for some reason. I only drink whilst eating if out for a meal.
Seems I have brought the poll to a balance. I voted yes. It's nice to have a beer with a meal in a restaurant and especially at a BBQ. Often I'll just have water with my evening meal or something a little more adventurous with lunch but I can happily have a bottle or a glass of red with a meal.
TBVH i cant eat on an empty stomach i'll have a drink then a munch, but as for drinking then eating (for me thats a sleeping pill) or eating and drinking alcohol at the same time they dont complement each other so one or the other. either way im for a snooze afterwards. lol
Im like the majority of you guys i cannot drink time im eating nor even drink for a good while after a good meal i feel blowted and can never get beer down after lol but dont drink very often now anyways :)
Most nights ill have a tennents with my dinner unless im working at night i work constant nightshifts 4 on 4 off
A nice pint of stella and a jalfreze are a marrage made in heaven !!

But im happy either way ( drinks that is )
Either or really.

I like water or milk with my tea at home then get ripped into the lager later, but if I'm out for a meal I always have lager and that includes curries.

I find lager is good for getting your windy pops up :)
Beer just goes so well with some meals. Like a curry for example...

Like last night for me, three pints of Kingfisher with my Lamb Madras.

Paying for it today, lol :flame: