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sys check 2017-06-25

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Sys check is a very usefull homebrew app.

It checks installed IOS and cIOS:
- IOS Stub;
- Fake signature (aka Trucha Bug);
- ES_DiVerify (aka ES_Identify);
- Flash Access;
- NAND Access;
- Boot2 Access;
- USB 2.0.

Once the app is run, it generates a report,the report can then be dragged and dropped onto the modmii wizzard.
Incredibily the modmii wizzard will read the report, detect any out of date or problem cios and then download everything you need including a custom tutorial to bring your wii bang up to date.... amazing......

The report can also be used a guide for detecting problems and it can bve helpfull to include a report when asking for help in forums....


1: Download and unzip file, then copy apps folder to your sd card. (merge folders if you already have an apps folder on sd card).

2: launch the sys check app from the homebrew channel.

3: Follow on screen prompts and select check all Ios, Cios.

4: Let the app do its stuff, when finished it will create a .csv file with your report on it.

5: Sling the sd card back in your pc and copy the .csv file somewhre onto your pc.

You now have a couple of options:

You can run modmii, select sys report and simply drag and drop the .csv file onto the active window, modmii will do the rest for you.. :)


You can open up the document using notepad , you will then be able to view/post the report.
First release
Last update
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