Netflix to prompt Subscribers to pay to address Unauthorized password sharing


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Dec 4, 2010
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Netflix will soon launch a test letting primary account holders pay an additional fee for users outside their households — a new attempt by the company to address illicit password-sharing.

Read story HERE
It's only in 3 countries atm.

NETFLIX users who share accounts with people outside their household are being slapped with charges.

Subscribers will be asked to fork out extra to add members who don't live with them, in the latest crackdown on account sharing.

The streaming giant is only testing it in three countries to begin with, before considering a global rollout.

Users in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru will be first to feel the pinch and told to cough up around £2/$2.70 on average, depending on the country.

It's not clear how Netflix will detect and enforce the new feature, but last year it started testing a prompt warning freeloaders

Users are banned from sharing their account with those outside their household but Netflix has long turned a blind-eye.

Under the latest crackdown, bill payers will be able to add sub accounts for up to two viewers who live elsewhere without breaking the rules.

Netflix said it has to curb the issue somehow so it can continue to invest in new big budget TV shows and movies.
How would Netflix know that sharing was taking place outside the one home if both used a VPN ?
It's a dangerous game their playing. For every customer they lose they'll need roughly 3 customers to pay the extra couple of quid just to cover their loss from the customer who's left.

I've a feeling someone at Netflix doesn't own a calculator
I have access to an account but just watch everything through Syncler as I get to watch most Netflix content in 4K.