Sunderland's Adam Johnson admits child sex charge


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Nov 19, 2005
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Sunderland footballer Adam Johnson has pleaded guilty to one count of sexual activity with a child and one charge of grooming.

Appearing at Bradford Crown Court, the Sunderland winger also denied two charges of sexual activity with a girl aged under 16.

The 28-year-old from Castle Eden, County Durham, who has 12 England caps, was arrested in March 2015.

His case is due to be formally opened on Friday.

Kate Blackwell QC for the prosecution said the alleged incidents had taken place in or about the area of Castle Eden and Wingate

Sunderland's Adam Johnson admits child sex charge - BBC News
And another professional footballer career finished
Adam Johnson sacked by Sunderland after child sex charge admission

The 28-year-old footballer's contract was terminated hours after he was dropped for Saturday's Premier League match against Manchester United.

He will stand trial on Friday on two further counts of sexual activity with a child, which he denies.

Sportswear firm Adidas has cancelled its contract with the midfielder.
Adam Johnson sacked by Sunderland after child sex charge admission - BBC Sport
And another professional footballer career finished

What makes me laugh is the girlfriend walking into court with him. "Im supporting him, through these troublesome times". Get real! You're used to a certain life now, and without a footballers money, you're going nowhere.

When will these young ladies have a bit of self worth, and blow these assholes out. More to life than money, big houses and gucci bags!
The Term 'Blood Sucking Leeches' springs to mind for some of these so called ladies
Don't think he will need to worry about finding a team when he gets out. I reckon he would be past playing by then. Hope he gets 10 years.
Sky Sports News HQ &#8207 @skySportsNewsHQ Feb 11
Adidas terminate contract with Adam Johnson after Sunderland midfielder pleads guilty to grooming and sexual activity with a child

‏@kiwilfc @skySportsNewsHQ terrible decision. Could of been a marketing masterclass having him running about in Predator boots.
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Adam Johnson guilty of child sex charge
Ex-England footballer Adam Johnson has been found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a girl aged 15.

The jury at Bradford Crown Court found Johnson guilty of a charge of sexual touching, but not guilty on a charge relating to another sexual act.

The former Sunderland player had previously admitted grooming the girl and one charge of sexual activity.

Judge Jonathan Rose has warned Johnson he faces jail and told him to "say goodbye to your daughter
Adam Johnson guilty of child sex charge - BBC News
I'm not supporting Adam Johnson or indeed what he has done, but most Premier League footballers have no idea of "real life" because of the protective bubble they are kept in, although social media has managed to widen that bubble.
Also young girls of 15 or 16 certainly appear to lead a much more "adult style" life in this day and age compared to when I was a youngster, and certainly would make you ask just how much was the young girl's involvement in this tawdry affair.
My opinion is that the whole nation needs a reality check on it's social morals and a change in the type of "role models" they aspire to.
Regardless of the girls promiscuity he is an adult and regardless of any bubble these players are put in he knew the girls age and even knew when the girl became 16. He will get just what he deserves.

He should of walked away or said give us a ring in November still morally wrong in my eyes given the young age and age gap but legal.
I'm not supporting Adam Johnson either, but the girl knew her own age, and it sounds like it was a subject of discussion between them both.

How come the girl hasn't been prosecuted in some way? I realise she is being intimate with an older man, and Johnson is in the wrong for letting this occur, but it wasn't a rape conviction by the girl - she was involved aswell, although I guess it could be taking advantage of someone that doesn't know better? However most 15 year olds know quite a bit

Do you see my point here?
Regardless of the girls promiscuity he is an adult and regardless of any bubble these players are put in he knew the girls age and even knew when the girl became 16. He will get just what he deserves.

He should of walked away or said give us a ring in November still morally wrong in my eyes given the young age and age gap but legal.

Don't get me wrong Ferret I agree that he is getting what he deserves, I am just emphasising that many footballers are so molly coddled that they are treated like spoilt children and so do not always progress as responsible adults and believe any problems will be dealt with and just be swept under the carpet for them.
Also that many mid teenage girls these days act, behave and believe they are consenting adults and they want and in some cases have older partners, some who know how old the girls are and some who don't realise the age of the girl.
I'm sure that there are many cases of pre-16 year old girls who have fallen pregnant or are sleeping with older partners but the majority of these cases will never reach the courts, and so highlights the fact that a large part of this case is the "fame" involved.
I agree with what has been said above.

Two points to make - some footballers believe they are beyond the law due to the amount of money they earn. This clearly shows that this is not the case.

Second point - It would not surprise me that at some point in the future the girl will sell "her story". Time will tell.

I feel sorry for his girlfriend/wife, and his young daughter. Might not see his daughter for 10 years. That must make him realise how stupid he has been. Thrown it all away. Madness
Second point - It would not surprise me that at some point in the future the girl will sell "her story". Time will tell.
So what if she does? I hardly think this schoolchild manipulated this 28yr old pervert with the sole purpose of making money from it in the near future. She was a real fan, season ticket holder who got the chance to meet her hero. So what? if she had a schoolgirl crush on him, that's normal.
He breeched the trust long before he was alone with her in his car.

I feel sorry for his girlfriend/wife, and his young daughter. Might not see his daughter for 10 years. That must make him realise how stupid he has been. Thrown it all away. Madness
If he does 10 years they had better not leave him alone with her.
The guy new she was "jail bait" and he should have walked away. He is a twat he has ruined his own life scarred the jail baits life and God knows what his daughter will think of him. All that for sticking his tounge down a young girls throat and slipping his hand in her knickers. I don't think he will get 10 years but he will definetley get a few years and rightly so. He was in a privileged position he abused that to abuse a kid regardless of how mature she acts or looks she is a kid in the eyes of the law and kids need protection from these preditors Just wish the police and authorities did more in days gone buy for the likes of Saville and Hall
I'm not trying to justify anything that's happened. What he has done is wrong, and he will pay for it
Footballer Adam Johnson has been jailed for six years for grooming and sexual activity with a girl aged 15.

Sentencing the ex-Sunderland player, Judge Jonathan Rose told him he had abused a position of trust and caused his victim "severe psychological harm".

The judge told Johnson, 28, he had engaged in sexual activity with her knowing she was under 16.

Bradford Crown Court heard the sexual abuse happened in the footballer's Range Rover in January 2015.

Judge Rose told the footballer, who played 12 times for England, that the girl had "suffered threats and thousands of abusive remarks" on social media.

Live updates from court

Judge Rose said there had been "an abuse of trust - you are trusted by young fans to behave properly".

He said: "She had only just turned 15 when you began grooming her, because, as you were to admit, you found her sexually attractive."

The judge told Johnson the offences happened "at a time when you were engaged in frequent sexual intercourse with multiple partners
Adam Johnson jailed for six years - BBC News