The Walking Dead


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Aug 29, 2001
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Over the last 3 weeks Ive watched nearly 5 seasons of The Walking Dead

We got 30 days free Amazon Prime and the wife started watching it, I laughed at her for watching zombies (so far fetched I thought,well it is but) although I was watching out the corner of my eye while on laptop lol

Anyway within 15 minutes or so laptop was on the floor and I was hooked !

Will finish the rest of season 5 today and hopefully start season 6 :) then it waiting a week to watch the next episode :eek:

Anyone else into this ?
Same here mate

Most Zombie films and shows are (in my opinion) rubbish but there are a few that are well worth watching and this one is one of them

But they stopped showing them for the Christmas period and haven’t started back yet

Last episode was season 6.08
Yeah I got S06 1-8 ready mate :)
"No Way Out" February 14, 2016 in USA from what I see :)
Both me and the other half are hooked on this, other half gets scared stiff at times but wont leave it alone as the story is so good.

Have you watched the spin off yet. Fear The Walking Dead.
I gotta admit the beginning of season 5 was more gory than previous ones

going to finish this then watch the prequel mate :)
Lol, I started watching it a few wears back and got drawn in hook line and sinker. Even my 13 year old daughter loves it, but a bit too much for my eldest's liking.

I try to watch it in batches if I can as sometimes it can get a bit boring if it's drawn out and not much happening - was watching it week by week a few seasons back and started to get a bit bored as it dragged on a bit.

I've got Fear the Walking Dead lined up but not watched it yet. Have got Z-Nation lined up as well but not watched that either.
I have really enjoyed watching Z Nation bit of comedy in it and well you just get hooked.

Different theme to walking dead and thats refreshing.
Just getting Z Nation season 1 now :)
something else to watch lol
Think we will give z nation a go tonight.
Couldn't take to Z Nation at all,its more a comedy then anything else,then again I think The Walking Dead spoils you to any other type of zombie program lol
Over the last 3 weeks Ive watched nearly 5 seasons of The Walking Dead

We got 30 days free Amazon Prime and the wife started watching it, I laughed at her for watching zombies (so far fetched I thought,well it is but) although I was watching out the corner of my eye while on laptop lol

Anyway within 15 minutes or so laptop was on the floor and I was hooked !

Will finish the rest of season 5 today and hopefully start season 6 :) then it waiting a week to watch the next episode :eek:

Anyone else into this ?

I've been watching since it started, but we stopped around the end of Season 3, not through loss of interest but more so it was probably the one programme myself and missus liked in common, so it was when we where both available to sit and watch it. My daughter and her bf watch it religiously, so my missus decided at Christmas to try and catch up on a few episodes....

We spent 3 days almost back to back getting up to date.........I think we watched something like 45 episodes.

EDIT: Fear the walking dead was a bit of a let down, we started to watch it shorting after our marathon session and didn't really like it.
The best thing ever! Me and the lad love watching it, Fear the Walking Dead was such a let down though! It could of been soo much better
Well that's The Walking Dead watched bang up to date :) After watching this in such a short space of time I can honestly say Im not bored of it, in fact Im gagging for the rest of season 6 to start lol

Now to start Fear The Walking Dead to fill the gap :)
I love it lol, me and the wife watch it every week when it's on Fox.

This and game of thrones are my favourites, sons of anarchy is pretty good too!

Also just started on the sapranos, I know it's old but never really seen much of it (good sound tracks, and entertaining - enjoyed season 1)

I loved season 1 of house of cards, spacey at his best - season 2 was a bit of a let down for me.

If I had to pick one its gotta be the walking dead.

Me and the wife are going to give Gotham a watch as well it looks good!

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Have a watch of breaking bad ,thought that was excellent.

I love it lol, me and the wife watch it every week when it's on Fox.

This and game of thrones are my favourites, sons of anarchy is pretty good too!

Also just started on the sapranos, I know it's old but never really seen much of it (good sound tracks, and entertaining - enjoyed season 1)

I loved season 1 of house of cards, spacey at his best - season 2 was a bit of a let down for me.

If I had to pick one its gotta be the walking dead.

Me and the wife are going to give Gotham a watch as well it looks good!

Been watching making a murderer and cant turn the tv off and narcos.some seriously good shows on the tv at min.
game of thrones coming soon.

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The x-files re opened starts in a couple of weeks. I watched a taster the other night and it looks good.
i really enjoyed watching the walking dead, but watched 2 episodes of fear of the walking and didn't like as much maybe should watch a few more and see. but for now watched into the badlands thought really good. now watching blindspot also good
Gotta be fake right ?


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