

VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 4, 2010
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Etihad Stadium
Hi guys, my Daughter bought a small bowl some stones and two goldfish two weeks ago. Sadly one died last night. :(. It doesn't have a filter with the tank so she just changed 50% of the water once per week. She intends on buying another goldfish this week. Do you guys have any genuine ideas as to why the fish may have died?, just so whatever happened may not happen again so soon. :( Thanks in advance.
With my somewhat limited knowledge, the most likely cause is it wasn't 100% when she got it...
With my somewhat limited knowledge, the most likely cause is it wasn't 100% when she got it...

The other goldfish seems fine mate, you may have a point with your comment though, perhaps it was ill. If she bought another fish do you think it would be wise to get a filter so the cleaning of the bowl is less frequent? and creating less stress for the fish?. What about water conditioners is that a good idea?.
You should have a filter, also how big is the bowel, is it possible to put the replacement water in a saucepan or bucket overnight so the chlorine evaporates, also the filter should aerate the water.
You should have a filter, also how big is the bowel, is it possible to put the replacement water in a saucepan or bucket overnight so the chlorine evaporates, also the filter should aerate the water.


Buy Armitage Gussie Goldfish Bowl Starter Kit

This is all you get in the kit mate its just big enough for two fish.
I'm not sure about water conditioners M8 (the serious guys like Mick and Ratt) will probably be more able to answer. Filters are good but you still need to do some cleaning (filter pads etc.) If you stick with partially changing the water every week there's a few things to watch out for like using de-chlorinated water and matching the temperature between tank and new. If using tap water (okay for goldfish) just stand the water for 24 hours and you'll cover both points.

It would be better if you could quarantine new fish for a bit to make sure they are okay before adding to the tank then add them gradually - you can fasten the bag so its in the water and gradually add tank water to the bag sort of thing over about 15 minutes.

I may be at the limit of my knowledge here!

I'm not sure about water conditioners M8 (the serious guys like Mick and Ratt) will probably be more able to answer. Filters are good but you still need to do some cleaning (filter pads etc.) If you stick with partially changing the water every week there's a few things to watch out for like using de-chlorinated water and matching the temperature between tank and new. If using tap water (okay for goldfish) just stand the water for 24 hours and you'll cover both points.

It would be better if you could quarantine new fish for a bit to make sure they are okay before adding to the tank then add them gradually - you can fasten the bag so its in the water and gradually add tank water to the bag sort of thing over about 15 minutes.

I may be at the limit of my knowledge here!


Spot on for two goldfish in a small bowl :thumbup:
Just an update guys when we went to the pet shop to get the fish my daughters friend was in there from her works. She bought 3 goldfish from the same tank and they lasted a week all dead now. :(. Perhaps a contaminated tank at the pet shop?. The only survivor now is my Daughters yellow coloured goldfish and that was chosen from a different tank. :)
I personally would put the deaths down to bad water conditions tbh
the chlorine in tap water burns the fish and dies a slow painful death

you can leave water in a separate bowl for the chlorine to evaporate, but in my opinion there will always be a trace so would opt for a dechlorinator

they also need the water to be oxygenated, regular water changes should be enough but Id personally use a filter :) every time you change 10/20% of the water you should use the dechlorinator again

have a read of this mate :)

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I personally would put the deaths down to bad water conditions tbh
the chlorine in tap water burns the fish and dies a slow painful death

you can leave water in a separate bowl for the chlorine to evaporate, but in my opinion there will always be a trace so would opt for a dechlorinator

they also need the water to be oxygenated, regular water changes should be enough but Id personally use a filter :) every time you change 10/20% of the water you should use the dechlorinator again

have a read of this mate :)

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Thanks Rat good advice :). I will purchase a filter tomorrow along with another goldfish and some de-chlorination solution. Why didn't the pet shop owner not clue us up on what was required?. Or is it all about you coming back to spend more money.
tbh some just dont care mate, others will give you good honest advice

I have a shop nr me that has come 3rd in national fish shop award magazine winners, they sold me some bumblebee gobies that wasnt compatible with the fish I keep but when I told them what I had they said they was fine, after some homework after I soon realised they wasnt fit for my tank :( also told me they had no female Rams only males when I looked I see a few females lol

mixture of lack of knowledge and dont care mate tbh
tbh some just dont care mate, others will give you good honest advice

I have a shop nr me that has come 3rd in national fish shop award magazine winners, they sold me some bumblebee gobies that wasnt compatible with the fish I keep but when I told them what I had they said they was fine, after some homework after I soon realised they wasnt fit for my tank :( also told me they had no female Rams only males when I looked I see a few females lol

mixture of lack of knowledge and dont care mate tbh

I would rather get good sound advice off you guys rather some pet shop that is just out to make money. The yellow fish seems happy but I can't help but wonder whether it will get lonely. So another chance perhaps? but this time I want to do it right and buy everything you think I may need. If you can think of anything I may need, will you list it for me and I will get it. Thanks again Rat.
Im no expert Miggy only been keeping fish myself just under a year but like many you learn the hard way and through mistakes made, but I have done a lot of reading over the last year :)
mainly tropical though, goldfish are cold water so have different needs

another story has come to mind
I have a siamese fighter (betta) and when I first got one I was advised I only need a small tank as they live in puddles and rice paddies of Thailand and are happy to live in tap water
after some research I found they do live in rice paddies but these run for miles lol so although the info was correct he played with words and although they can live in hardy conditions they cant live in tap water it still needs to be treated but dont need to be oxygenated

this is what shops sell for Bettas :( no room to swim at all :(


Im no expert Miggy only been keeping fish myself just under a year but like many you learn the hard way and through mistakes made, but I have done a lot of reading over the last year :)
mainly tropical though, goldfish are cold water so have different needs

another story has come to mind
I have a siamese fighter (betta) and when I first got one I was advised I only need a small tank as they live in puddles and rice paddies of Thailand and are happy to live in tap water
after some research I found they do live in rice paddies but these run for miles lol so although the info was correct he played with words and although they can live in hardy conditions they cant live in tap water it still needs to be treated but dont need to be oxygenated

this is what shops sell for Bettas :( no room to swim at all :(



That looks terrible Rat how can that fish move in that?. Do you think the little plastic bowl we have bought is big enough?. I put a plant in the middle and there was no room for the two fish. :(
Remember the little goldfish you always won at the fair? they never lasted very long did they?. Its not until now when you do some real research that you realise there is more to keeping a goldfish than just putting it in a bowl.
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the bigger you can go the better tbh

I found this mate :) worth a read
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you need a filter mate!! and i wouldn't add any more fish to your tank, if poss get a bigger tank, keep up the water changes
a filter doesn't just clean the water you need a filter for bacteria to grow on!

First, the waste from fish, plants, and food breaks down and releases ammonia.

This ammonia is very toxic to fish and must be converted to nitrite by bacteria.

Nitrite is also toxic to fish, and must be converted to nitrate by bacteria.

Nitrate is not nearly as toxic, and is used by plants or algae to help them grow.

you then need weekly water changes to keep the nitrate down.