please help - no HD channels on vu+ duo with BH


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2011
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I'm about to hang myself please help!

I've got a vu+ duo (clone) and I've gone through a few of these with a pre-config image and never normally have a problem.

bottom line is I can't get HD channels to show?

I thought perhaps it was a problem with the pre-config image. (running blackhole with ccCam 2.2.1 and tspanel 6.3) so installed BH from scratch along with TS panel and cccam but still not showing HD channels.

I assume it's something stupid that I'm doing wrong - but really can't figure it out.

Please please please help me!
Its only a receiver. You are more important than any piece of equipment. Stuff it and look after No1.

1. Which channels in particular are not working? Is it also FTA channels?

2. Have you loaded the ;latest channel list/recently scanned?

3. Are other encrypted channels working?
Hi, thanks for taking the time to try help.

1-every HD channel, FTA and pay-for HD channels.

2-channel list is upto date (haven't done a scan as I use pre-made bouquets)

3-all over pay for channels work for me, just in SD.

Try Rats plugin which you will find on here and then run it which will defo bring it up to date.
thanks for your help on this.

I've managed to sort it - seems there was an issue with the bouquets I was using. No idea why (they're upto date) and have used them on every box before - but hey it fixed it!!

Got another Q but not really related to this so will do a new post.

Thanks again.

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