Which is the best Box for ex CW ????

I know this seems a simple enough question, But MY DI2000 has just blown a circuit (so I have been told through the forum) and as my electrical knowledge only stretches as far as changing plugs and adding the odd new socket at home, I feel that hunting down what has blown and then replacing it is way beyond my skills.
I learnt with my old box and with the help from the forum - fun cards, tits and then tit2's and was just enjoying some hassle free viewing, then this. My box only lasted a year !!!!!!!! 150 quid I paid for the modded box !!!!!!

So, what is the best box to get ?? IS this a problem with the DI2000's, and would a DI4000n be better. I live in a Ex cw area ???

Any help greatly appreciated ..............JIMBO
Ya still can't beat the 1000 as the keys will 99.9% be in the database making modding the easiest of all.
1000 really are getting a bit long in the tooth now though the odd 'new' one (ie never used) still turns up from time to time. The 4000 is better because it is newer, faster, runs cooler and is therefore more reliable. It's also easy to get the bk using a jtag. Not a lot to choose between a 4000 and a Samsung (though the Samsung is the newest design of them all and will work in any NTL area) - depends if your other equipment blends in better with the silver finish of the Samsung or the charcoal of the Pace.
personally i would be having a look at the silverbox mentioned on the forum some time back < at 130 quid all in and looked really cool no cards needed and transportable wherever you may move to. it seems perfect for the novice, do a search on silverbox on the forum. And ligit to own < purpose of purchase not withstanding.
h**t//www.titaniumcards.co.uk look here for silver box - there are cheaper places about.

also tut to set it up is here :http://www.world-of-digital.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56987
With a 4000, I understand you dont need to lift and read chips ? therefore making my life a lot easyer. (and probably more chance of success) just attach jtag. living in a ex CW area will you still get PPV etc ???

Going to read up about this silverbox tomorrow at work....sounds just the job !!!
These Silverboxes / Eorovox's dont seem to be getting very good reviews. Still thinking of sticking with what I know and getting another PACE. Probably the DI4000n ( Will work out cheeper too !!!)

So do I need to check for Software revisions etc and can somebody confirm that PPV is not a problem ????

Haven't seen the 2100c, Fatblerk mentions

Many thanks again...............JIMBO
2100c = Samsung. You'll only get PPV until VOD appears - no dates for C&W areas yet (at least not that I'm aware of)
I have bit the bullet, managed to grab a DI4000 off E-bay, the seller assures me that the BK and IRD are both given and that they pair the box. ( Lets hope hes a nice honest chap !!!!)

Didnt seem much point going for a sammy if PPV will soon be finished, and these silverboxes just dont seem to be getting good reviews. I am quite happy programming my cards for the Pace too !

Have got some new questions but will start a new thread to help other novices

Cheers CHAPS
Jimbo said:
I have bit the bullet, managed to grab a DI4000 off E-bay, the seller assures me that the BK and IRD are both given and that they pair the box. ( Lets hope hes a nice honest chap !!!!)
Didnt seem much point going for a sammy if PPV will soon be finished, and these silverboxes just dont seem to be getting good reviews. I am quite happy programming my cards for the Pace too !
Have got some new questions but will start a new thread to help other novices
Cheers CHAPS
lol .... when ppv goes it will go on all the boxes m8, not just sammy's
Jimbo said:
Ahhhhhhh Bugggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr

Don't worry about it m8, it'll happen when it happens????

The 4000 still a good box though ...... and reasonably straight forward to mod and like you said, it usually cheaper to buy as well:)
Jimbo said:
I have bit the bullet, managed to grab a DI4000 off E-bay, the seller assures me that the BK and IRD are both given and that they pair the box. ( Lets hope hes a nice honest chap !!!!)
Didnt seem much point going for a sammy if PPV will soon be finished, and these silverboxes just dont seem to be getting good reviews. I am quite happy programming my cards for the Pace too !
Have got some new questions but will start a new thread to help other novices
Cheers CHAPS

Shudda got a sammy,only gotta look in general,the Paces are coming to the end of their life span.
Jimbo said:
I have bit the bullet, managed to grab a DI4000 off E-bay, the seller assures me that the BK and IRD are both given and that they pair the box. ( Lets hope hes a nice honest chap !!!!)
Didnt seem much point going for a sammy if PPV will soon be finished, and these silverboxes just dont seem to be getting good reviews. I am quite happy programming my cards for the Pace too !
Have got some new questions but will start a new thread to help other novices
Cheers CHAPS
The 4000 series can be trouble if you get one with the wrong partcode then you'll have a hell of a job trying to transfere it from one net id to another and some of them won't transfere at all so buyer beware.