Where do I start ???

OK Im a complete n00b at this and dont really know where to start, I have had modified boxes in the past but all that I have purchased all ready sorted. In fact I still have my first modded general electric analogue box and still use it in the bedroom (cant believeo it still works to be honest)

I know I first need to purchase a box but cant really make up my mind as to what to buy, I have been avidly reading the forums for ages but am still none the wiser :-( I mean do I get a standard pace bx and mod it myself, a Dbox2 and then do I go for the Nokia or Sagem, or maybe do I go for the Dreambox or the FTA 101 ?????

Help Help Help, its driving me mad which is pthe best for a newbie to get. I just wantto get my teeth in to it now and get it u and running and I just cant even seem to get over the first hurdle. : grim :

maybe it would be easier and better all round if I just went out and bought Pace Box already modified, but they seem a bit pricey and shurely it wouldnt be as much fun :Ha:

Thanks in advance for your comments

P.S. I actually fancy going down the Nokia Dbox route after reading this forum, is that the correct way to go and what else would I actually have to make sure that I purchase with it to get it up and running ?
If you are wanting a quick fix then it has to be the dbox
all you need is a box in debug mode a pc and a crossover network cable 2mins of time and your done.
I have done plenty of searching on the issue thanks !!! Im not really after a guide or tutorial how to use the different devices I just cant seem to work out which is the best/easiest for a newbie to use, and some advice from forum users as to the pro's and cons of each one.

Thanks for the helpful bit of info IANBBB
I like your signature LANKYDWARF ;)
Have you tried the tutorials section out or our sister site the vortex here:
Both are good places to start from scratch.
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The Pace and Samsung boxes do what they say on the tin and are not to difficult to modify, lots of new ones floating about, but personally i'd stay clear of them as i feel it stands to reason they will be the first boxes to bite the dust when the CC's get there act together and start killing things! .......
The silver box, FTA 101 & all the other clones that are now appearing .... jack of all trades master of none but again does what it says on the tin and is from what i've heard quite easy to set up? ...... but support may be an issue in the future?
The dreambox?????? do know much about them but again support may be an issue?
The Dbox2 ........ Ahhhh! the god of all boxes, easy to set-up, very versatile and all the support you could ever need ....... the only down side is that the newest one you're going to get is going to be 3 or 4 years old .....
try getting hold of a pace 1000 model off fleadbay.................

then hope ya boxkey is in the database................ if it is ya laughing...........

but if not were all here to help ya..................