webstar Q..


Inactive User
Dec 3, 2005
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ok i keep hearing that webstar epc 2100 is just for ntl..then i hear thats not true,it is also used in tw area..wich is true..??..ive managed to find ntl flash but no tw flash..is there a tw flash..please someone put me right..thanxssss
ok i keep hearing that webstar epc 2100 is just for ntl..then i hear thats not true,it is also used in tw area..wich is true..??..ive managed to find ntl flash but no tw flash..is there a tw flash..please someone put me right..thanxssss

it works in all 3 areas ther's no ntl tw flash u just change the freq to the area u want and change the annex (a for ex c&w b for tw and i thing a or 3 for pure ntl.