Security vpn

That's the trade off im afraid, the more secure the more overheads you have. Using comp-lzo option helps but then adds more cpu time. The connection will stay alive with the correct options in the configs.


Sorry there a few things i missed the from previous posts.

When using ccd '--client-config-dir dir' to make sure only users in ccd can connect you need the following in server config.


Also a bit more about the security bit. Of you start openvpn as root you can drop privileges using the '--user' section in server config.

Yes you can add a username and password for when clients connect using the following in server config along with the appropriate user and pass file on server.


Take a look at the options on openvpn, once you understand how openvpn operates the options are self explanatory. Select the correct version for you openvpn and scroll the options.

Cheers m8

U been mega helpful will read up .etc
