
With VOD Coming To Many Areas. I Was Wondering What Will Happen When Everything Turns To VOD.

I Heard That The Solution Was To Clone Your Box. Do A DHCPForce Scan On Your Node, Swap The Mac Addresses With People From Different Nodes, Then Clone The Mac Address On To Your Box. And Enable Talkback.

Would This Solution Work?

It Would Mean That Whoevers Box You Cloned Got Billed For You Watching Any PPV. And You've Got To Try A Lot Of Mac Addresses BEfore You Find Someone Subscribed To All The Channels.
now i dont agree with that anyway makin other people pay !!!!! fair enough scaming free tv from the company. but not robbing each other for free ppv!!!!!!
I Wasn't Saying That You Should Charge Other People For Your TV. I Was Just Saying That Thats What Would Happen If You Did Watch PPV.

In The End It All COmes Down To Where You Draw The Line Personaly.

I Have No Trouble Watching Free TV From The Cable Company But I Wouldn't Ever Charge Someone Else For The TV I Watched.
I would have thought it would be easy for the cc's to match a mac address against a box ird / bk with talkback enabled and surely they would spot a cloned mac address on another box with a different IRD? ......
hi ppl
so if any of this would work could you not get together with a group of freinds totally clone all your freinds boxes mac addy too then just split the payment between freinds and the cc would broadcast to the same ird same mac and same bk over ten freinds that wouldnt be a lot to rent a film