those of u using microsoft firewall in xp sp2 there are some inherent dangers with this part of xp o/s, i wouldnt want anybody to think because they are using ms firewall they are totally safe.
this is an extract from web site (well respected org who look into web security and have some niffty little programs)
"Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound connections from your system."
what they are talking about is programs u legitamatly load onto your machine that make contact with "home" there is NO control and they are at liberty to instigate comunication over the internet that u havent requested.
Anybody that has used zonealarm or sygate will know u have to train the firewall so it knows what programs can/cant have free access to the web, they come up with a warning window that u have to alowe/deny access ms soft firewall never does this.
there are some intersting articales on the site, for info grc (gibson reasearch corp) recomend zonealarm but give blackice defender a right mauling
this is an extract from web site (well respected org who look into web security and have some niffty little programs)
"Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound connections from your system."
what they are talking about is programs u legitamatly load onto your machine that make contact with "home" there is NO control and they are at liberty to instigate comunication over the internet that u havent requested.
Anybody that has used zonealarm or sygate will know u have to train the firewall so it knows what programs can/cant have free access to the web, they come up with a warning window that u have to alowe/deny access ms soft firewall never does this.
there are some intersting articales on the site, for info grc (gibson reasearch corp) recomend zonealarm but give blackice defender a right mauling