Updating SXOS


VIP Member
VIP Member
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys
As per title, had my switch ages and never updated the SXOS, or the firmware. I read online updating SXOS is as simple as replacing the boot.dat file with a new one, but when I do this the switch doesnt boot.

I cannot connect to the servers on the switch to download the newest version for some reason.

Anyone got any ideas?

Hi Spud, sorry for the slow reply. I got my SXOS updated, I replaced the boot.dat with a different version. I now have another problem, i updated my FW using choi, but after it completed and reset I cant get it to load. The SX splash screen comes up then nothing. I can get it to boot into normal mode by holding the volume keys down when powering up, but need the SX to load to play backups. Any ideas?
Just saw your post on TX support chat

Hope you get a reply I've not got a clue m8
Frying my brain mate its only the wife who uses it. I cant see it being a real issue if i can boot into ofw, so the switch certainly isnt bricked, maybe a corrupt sd card im reading on G B A temp, so ill copy my files to pc, format, and try that after work. Cheers for the help spud :)
Yeah deffo mate, there doesn't seem to be much support available for a lot of switch related things online
@spud1966 you wouldnt believe this but i cant find the payload injector dongle, so im a bit stuck at the moment, as Im unsure if theres any other way to boot without the dongle in the bottom of the switch? unless i can inject the payload via pc? Sorry for the slow reply, ive been quarantined with work and wifi access is a joke