Unlocked Rom11


i UNLOCKED A ROM 11 USING MULTI PROVIDER VER 1,it says card is unlocked check in nagra al seems ok until i try to write to it an it says backdoor reported disabled may contain update?I have also been asked for a BDO password,all was fine on this card last night until it went on stream??any help greatly appreciated.
you need to read the card with xncs then click on eprom the lines c40 to c70 are backdoor keys 40 being bd0 70 being bd3 etc write these lines down then go on rom studio click on backdoor go to dump it will ask for password type in line c40 now you can access card change lines in eprom c40 c50 c60 and c70 all to 88888888888888888888888888888888 thats 32*8 click write now open nagra when asked for password type in 32*8 bingo