Unlock Funcard


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 27, 2006
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I have an Dynamite programmer and a funcard that is currently locked how do i unlock it

THANKS! help appreciated
Using just the programming software the only thing you can do is erase the card and that will make it usable but you'll obviously loose the contents.

There was a method around ages ago on how to read memory locations from a locked card, think it might have been using winexplorer but can't really remember as I never needed to use it.
lol thought so!

i just re-programmed it with the normal stuff i needed and sorted

i didnt realise funs could be locked what software does this and undoes this?
iamateaf is right,

there is a script that can be used in win explorer to unlocked funs,but only if certain hex files were used........
The fun card can be locked using the Multiprog and an Elvis, to read a "locked" card simply use the same software, delete the Flash memory then read the Ext EEPOM and that will give you the Image with the required details.

Remember to DE-SELECT the EXT EEPROM BEFORE erasing the flash lol

Hope that helps....... :Cheers: