Undo a softmodded wii?


Inactive User
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all, I recently bought a wii off of kijiji, and found that it was softmodded. Normally I wouldn't care either way, but unfortunately I need to update the wii to play some of my games. I went ahead and deleted the homebrew channel and the snes9gx or whatever, so is it safe to update now? How can I be sure I won't get bricked?
you can use modmii to safely upgrade or downgrade your wii to any firmware vresion you want.. :)

also online update should be safe....
I dont have modmii, or the homebrew channel, or any of that jazz anymore :p I just want to know if it's safe to update, or is there anything I can do to make super sure I won't be bricked?
should be safe, but another member did an official update last week and it went a bit tits up..

choice is yours.. :)
Be careful post clocking....and read the forum rules....
I softmod my WII two years ago and now i like to get back at original.

I like to make sure not to brick.

Any help well be appreciate a lot.

Thankz in advanced.