Unable to find the IRD Number


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VIP Member
I'm having a little trouble and wondered if someone can point me in the right direction please.
I've just started with the Infinity USB Unlimited. I've read the funcard in and saved the files as Hex. Then when I try to open the files in Funviewer it says the data doesn't start with 12. I'm just trying to get the IRD and BK numbers from the card so that I can write it to an ATMega163 card. Reading through tutorials its possible the files need to be read with Distance, but I couldn't find more help or downloads.
Any help would be much appreciated.
is your card from a samsung dox as funveiwer will not read a samsung ird as it dose not start or end in 12 try finding boxkey reader
here it is m8 try this if no luck it maybe that your fun card is locked good luck
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I've tried the boxkey reader now and the data comes back as all F's
I guess I'm still doing something wrong.
Any suggestions?

with all FFFFFFFF's the card was locked and u have now wiped it

look in the box either open box up and look at the scart socket (label on there has ird)
or boot into engineers menu page 2 has the nagr serial number this is the ird

I've found the IRD number on the engineers menu.
Can the boxkey be retrieved from the menu as well? I looked but couldn't see anything obvious. Or is there another method of retrieving it?

Thanks everyone for their help.
you will need to let people know the model of your box 1000 2000 4000 ect. as you can no longer get your bk from your card so you may need to jtag it or use another method depending on the model of your box?
you will need a jtag then m8 you can get one from tmc and could get it in a day or so and real easy to do read up on jtags
gadgethome said:
It was worth a try :-)
Its a pace 4000N

it may be an early 4000 some where in the database pm me the ird i will look for u
hersida_bharat said:
I have the IRD for a box but no box key for Pace 4010 box. No card. It there a database? Else how do I get the BK?

Ur BK wont be in the Database as u have a Pace 4010. So u will have to do a JTAG to get the BK.