tutorial problem

Hi, I'm following Liam Craydens tutorial and on page 16 "Writing the flash file", when I go to "flash without bootloader" there is no image there. My connection seems to be fine and pc says the image has been successfully sent to box. I have tried on two boxes and get same problem on both. The only option under "flash without bootloader" is CANCEL.

Anyone know If I've done something wrong, I have followed the tutorial to the letter.

blockhead said:
Hi, I'm following Liam Craydens tutorial and on page 16 "Writing the flash file", when I go to "flash without bootloader" there is no image there. My connection seems to be fine and pc says the image has been successfully sent to box. I have tried on two boxes and get same problem on both. The only option under "flash without bootloader" is CANCEL.
Anyone know If I've done something wrong, I have followed the tutorial to the letter.

better useing image flashing assistant
follow instructions dead easy that way
blockhead, it seems that you used the DBOX Command Centre 1.0 software to transfer the image - unfortunately this does not work on all machines, even tho it reports success.

As de_deej says, type into Internet Explorer, obviously replacing the IP address above with your own. When asked, the username is "root" and the password is either "dbox", "dbox2" or blank (all without quotes).

Hope this helps.
OK heres an update.

I used the ftp method and got the sportster over to the box.

I then checked the box for the new IP address. now when I try to connect to send over the services it won't let me connect. My network connections tab tells me its connected but the ftp program says it isn't.

Cursing and scratching my head now.

Cheers guys

You need to re-set the network address on the D-Box follow Liams guide again. I would recommend a full scan to make sure you get all the availible channels.

I have read Liams guide again and it doesn't say anything about resetting the boxes address. Besides that my problem now is for some reason my pc will not connect to any of my boxes anymore. The first box, which I managed to get sportster onto is currently doing a scan, don't know how long I need to wait for that.

Thanks for your help

go into: setings, network connections, and check the IP address. It normally changes whenever a new image is flashed to the box. Simply re-set it to what it was before.

It probably wont let you connect because the previous IP address was probably something like, whereas the new Sportster IP is something like

Notice the difference in numbers (highlighted in bold).
If your PC address is set to (for example), then it will be able to connect to the box if it was, but not if it was

Does that make sense?
If you dont want to change the IP address on the DBOX, change your PC's IP address to match it.

For example:
PC =


PC =

Hope that makes sense and hope that helps.
Thanks Liam that sorted that problem I didn't realise third number had to be the same.

I have now done 2 boxes successfully but for some reason the third has went into kein system and now I'm stuck.

Could you tell me what 2 ends a null modem cable has cos I'm not sure the guy in the shop sold me the right cable.

Thanks for your help