Teesside gone over to VOD?

All front row and porn channels seem to be gone in Teesside area.
I've done a new scan with Sportster and the front row channels don't even appear in the epg anymore. The porn channels are listed but black screens.
Can anyone confirm if this is the dreaded VOD arriving on Teesside?
depends where you are as my dad is on telewest and he always reads the leaflets and on one of them it said within a month going to teleport

but as far as im aware not the porn channels as there is 2 different porn channels service type 4 and service type 1

the service type 1's work but maybe they are just sorting out the teleport for your area and it might just come back

premplus works and live events work but no epg until something comes on that channel
front row has gone but your porn channels are blank till 10 at night i am in the same area as you i have 2 boxs but only lost front row on both boxs every thing else is still there just the same as it was minus front row....
Porn was gone last night, definitely off, epg shows up programs but nothing on screen if you tune in. I'll try again tonight (Just to check of course!), since I've done a rescan and NTL may have moved them.

Service type is 01

They where working OK before the front row went to VOD



22:30 Tried the porn channels again and all are blank - no messages just black screen. The epg still shows the channels and the programming though.
have porn channels but no ppv any help please i

hi i have all the porn channels but no ppv any hel please i live in middlesbrough thanks