switching to sky

Hi guys can you help me please i am thinking of switching to sky i am wanting 2 sky + hd boxes 1 in the living room and the other in the lads bedroom my questions are.....

1. can i buy my own boxes off ebay and use them and will sky be happy to send me cards out for them?

2. will sky be bothered if i buy my own dish and fix it all up myself?

3. do both boxes have to be connected to the phone line for the first year?

If theres anything you guys think i need or should do all info would be grately appreciated many thanks.
1: yes (i have new shaped ones for sale hint hint lol)
2: no
3: if you want to have discounted viewing for multiroom subscriptions, then they will need to be connected for as long as you subscribe
hi guys, i'll also be switching to sky, on point 1, won't you have to pay the £10 a month for multiroom when they send out the card? or do they just send out a free card and the second box receives the same channel as the first/main box?
Ten pound extra a month for multiroom and an extra tenner on top if you want the second box to also receive hd. Rip off or what eh?