Stuck in tune on a Pace 4001


Despite having read the "Stuck in tune guide for Pace 4001" and Searched on "Tune" and "4001" I don't think any of the posts cover my problem, possibly because I don't understand most of them. So I was hoping someone could advise me as how to overcome the following errors reported in the Engineer's menu:

Error Code Error Message
18 Reboot
19 Can't lock to last tuned
9 Can't tune to home freq
21 NIT table frequency scan fail
302 Post RS Error x2 41900

Apologies if it has already been covered somewhere but I couldn't find it or perhaps I couldn't make the connection.

for a start check if u have the right default frequency on the box also in engineers menu look for signal strength
we have to make the assumption the box was working in your home on your feed previously and this error appeared one day.
If this is true then the freq ect are correct!!!! that being the case it appears you downstream tuning curcuit or tuner is faulty. find the caps stated in the guide and remove them. DO NOT TAKE OUT THE WRONG ONES.!!!!

in a nutshell every channel that you watch requires a different voltage inside the tuner. this voltage ranges from 5 to 30 volts. if this voltage is not present the tuner can't find channels.
so the tuner must have 30volts at the relevant pin. that not being there is the most common problem.
in more rare cases the tuner fails and even with the required voltage present it cant find channels because it can't vary the voltage accurately enough.
Yes, the box was working fine previously and then got stuck on tune after a power on an off.

Thanks for the info. I'm off to Maplins to get:

1. A Temperature Controlled soldering iron with a high wattage (>25W)
2. A Solder Mop
3. A digital Voltmeter

to remove the caps and hopefully fix my problem.
I had the same problem and i solved installing the box on the main feed with only one splitter in the middle... evry splitters loose minimun 3.5 db therefore it will get stuck on tune as signal it is not sufficient.
Are you sure you got a good signal?

I have stopped tb by cutting the leg off but I am still struggling with getting my BK, need P&P from TMC, and need to sort out tune problem.

It will all have to wait until Xmas hols now unless I can find someone in the Reading area to sort it out for me.