Sensible Topic soon


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Mar 9, 2005
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In a couple of days most of us will be feasting and spending time with our families and friends, its how it should be for Christians to celebrate our religion. as for Jews they celebrate theirs, Sikhs,Buddhists, Muslim all have their special days/weeks etc.
The truly homeless have the fact that everyday is the same, cold,lonely, sad, and in a few cases abused cos of some peoples inability to care.
would be nice if we all spent money (mostly under a tenner) to buy a hot meal, or a sleeping bag or anything just to help.
in this world of "look what i have" it would be nice to think can i help in a small way"
tomorrow when im in towni will do this at least once, i am by no means rich but im not as poor as some.
enjoy the christian/festive season .
If you dont celebrate this event, may you have a peaceful and safe time.
may your life be good and peaceful , may YOUR god go with you