Sony has a pop at microsoft

5 minutes i'll never get back :(

lol it tickled me then again im easily amused they have a point though i was watching entourage the other week and they was using one on there it looks ok but if i want to go for a run ill go for a run lol saying that i dont think ill bother with move either ive had a wii since realease and it probably got about 6 hours play in the last 12 months and i cant see this being much different tbh.
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if it aint a gamepad then im not interested, kinect ps3 thingy or wii, non of them move me at all. online killing is where im at and i cant see me waving my hands or a wand to kill folk ever taking over from the pad.

to me all these will end up like the wii, fancy toy that no one uses.
if it aint a gamepad then im not interested, kinect ps3 thingy or wii, non of them move me at all. online killing is where im at and i cant see me waving my hands or a wand to kill folk ever taking over from the pad.

to me all these will end up like the wii, fancy toy that no one uses.

excellently summed up mate thats exactly how i am now, dont get me wrong the wii was good for mario kart etc but apart from that im happy with sitting on my arse online with cod lol i usually go out and buy them to give them a chance but this time i think ill give them both a miss.
i also thought sod that the kinect dont do it for me ...................but then i had time with 1 im addicted to be honest & i do think most of the 1s that say i wont bother will b putting it on santas list once they tried it
i also thought sod that the kinect dont do it for me ...................but then i had time with 1 im addicted to be honest & i do think most of the 1s that say i wont bother will b putting it on santas list once they tried it

nar as thats what happened with the wii, once the new toy stage was over it sat gathering dust...... and so will kinect ect......
They always have a pop at each other.

I have to agree with thommo though....dust collectors.

I hope we are both wrong and it comes in useful.
Think the Wii will be getting the dust blown off it for the release of Goldeneye :)

Just hope i'm not too disappointed when it inevitably doesnt live up to the N64 version !!!
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Think the Wii will be getting the dust blown off it for the release of Goldeneye :)

Just hope i'm not too disappointed when it inevitably doesnt live up to the N64 version !!!

That's pretty much a given considering who made it and at what stage of the industry and their own circumstances - was an awesome game that has legendary status to this day but it was also the right game at the right time in front of the right audience. After all to my knowledge it was Goldeneye on the N64 that brought FPS multiplayer and co-op to the consoles for the first yeah the Wii version, for me at least, has far too big boots to even try to fill. Best they can hope for is to piggyback the original as much as possible, update the graphics, make excellent use of the Wiimote/nunchuck and to therefor make an excellent game in it's own right and hope it sells well. Which I think will be the case, but I don't think it will come close to the original. Certainly not in reverence or status. In fact that could easily end up working against the Wii version.

As for the Wii/Kinect/PS Move....they're all motion controllers obviously but they're also very new and very different ways to play a game and I believe that alone makes them a cause for negativity among folk who prefer to use pads and that's the end of it. It's a bit like the whole mouse&keyboard thing - to this day a lot of people swear by it saying the mouse is miles more accurate than an analogue stick - but a lot of people simply cannot readjust properly to the point of preferring it over analogue control pads. I myself am one of those people. Way I see it is the mouse might be more accurate for aiming, but the analogue stick is a lot more accurate for movement over WSAD keys so both have their positives and negatives. And it's a similar deal with the motion controllers except I feel they are a compromise and a best of both worlds situation. But they still take some getting used to. Some people love them some people hate them, others could take it or leave it and nobody is right or wrong it's just preferences.

Personally I think the Kinect is an overpriced pos tbh - especially considering our version doesn't even get it's coolest most useful feature until next year sometime - that being the voice recognition, and I don't know why that is though it's M$ so it's probably money related and nothing more. I think PS Move is basically a jazzed up Wii Motion Plus controller. I'll probably get it when the price comes down and the tech matures a little more. As for the Wii controls they're the most proven and in some games they're put to great use.

Bottom line though motion controllers don't work with all games though and I still prefer analogue control pads myself. Though I'd probably say the same thing about mouse&keyboard if I'd grown up using that. And I'm sure there's bound to be some in future who say that about motion controls lol.